I spent my first few years on my grandparents 44 acre farm. I had a baby bunny hop on my shoe when I was about 2 or 3, that bunny lived in a cage til he got too big and moved to my uncle's. didn't find out til I was an adult what my uncle raised bunnies for. I love gardening. Not much on slaughtering livestock. but I lived in cities as a young adult, moved out here, rural edge of fort worth when I was 42, got chickens in 2010, so I guess I was 51. Now I have bees, I have a rescue bunny whose chief job is generating compost and fertilizer, and 5 dogs. I love it. The city was where I made a living, out here I made a life. I have a few wild things, mainly hawks and possums and the dreaded rats, which my dogs hunt and my feral cats and the hawks hunt. This is home. I have a load of firewood from my daughter's place on the truck, my grandson split it last year, loaded it yesterday. And I heat with a woodstove mostly, although this year I do have working electric heat on the central it is so expensive to run