What are you doing today?

I've attached a spool of steel garden wire to the twist tie now I have access to around 70+ channels even the HD 100's channels :lol: Not bad for a few quid
I have a samsung smart tv with about 1200 channels. Don't want to break it. I don't have cable or dish anymore. Today i dug out my incubator to hatch chickens in december. Planning aquaponic or temp controlled garden for next year, expect produce prices to soar. I already don't buy eggs anymore, hens not laying but grocery store eggs taste kinda like cardboard
New fishies ordered! A few young angelfish and a school of spotted cories for the 150, and a pair of Apistos for @TheLavenderBadger 's 30g.

I think the new angels will be fine with the adult ones, simply because the tank is so big. They'll have plenty of room to get away from each other if they need to. I've never had much luck with cories in this tank; they tend to up and die on me. But I've had one sterbai that has lived for about a year, so I decided it was time to give him some buddies.
Houseboy today . I made Spanish Rice , washed the bedding and remade the bed . Culture medium for my fruit flies came in the mail so I made up two new cultures . Made a new spawning mop for my lineatus and watched them inspect it and make a few forays into it . Did my run this morning and fed the cat . Great weather today . Sunny and a light breeze . Warm .
Just finished bagging livebearers for tomorrow's Poecilia meeting. I'll also bring a number of aquarium books along. It's time for them to seek for another owner. I really have to cut down the number of aquarium books overhere.
Pruned some bushes, then raked some leaves. Will rake leaves again... and again... possibly again...
LOL! I TOTALLY detest yard work which is a big part of why I live in an apartment. ;) I don't mind mowing but have no interest in the rest. Also nice not having to shovel snow. ;)
Pruned some bushes, then raked some leaves. Will rake leaves again... and again... possibly again...
Usually, I use it for composting. My compost worms love the grass clippings after mowing.

It is raining heavily here in the region. The highways and streets are terrible, with several potholes (as usual). I feel like I am in a rainy Southeast Asian country.

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