What are you doing today?

Ya I did but it is essential here where I live to prevent fires in the following summer/fall.
Massachusetts, of all states, is having a LOT of wild/brush fires. I've lived here my whole life and that is very unusual. Thing is, and this one gets me... WHY aren't people's lawns brown, like past summers that were dry? That one makes NO sense to me, especially since it wasn't a very hot/humid season! Strange... but I think people are complacent because it doesn't LOOK dry. After raking up leaves around some past-it hostas, we can see the soil looks like a broken clay pot... and that is in an area of the yard that tends to be WAY too wet!
Really dry fall here in Crow Country too . That’s the Crow Indian reservation and surrounding area which once belonged to the Apsaalooke people . Children of the big beaked bird is a rough translation of that word . Their reservation was once HUGE but white politicians whittled it down when they needed to give it to the railroad so they could sell it to white settlers . That was their payoff for bringing the railroad into this part of the country . Little history for you .
I have two kittens hanging around . I put food out for the strays and others and my cat and they’re eating that . They are a little small for the big chunks of adult cat food but they crunch it down pretty good . They’re so small they look newly weaned . They’re really wary and wild too , I can’t get remotely close to them . I can watch them on the porch through the window but that’s it . I love animals of all kinds except horses . Don’t hate horses just not crazy about them . Any animal that lets people ride on them can’t think much of themselves .
You better add camels to your do not like list 😊
Yeah , I suppose so . Camels are weird looking creatures but fascinating because of their ability to go without water for so long . I wouldn’t mind one if I was in the desert but I wouldn’t ride him , I’d use him like a pack animal . Years ago I was backpacking one time and ran into some guys with pack llamas . Those guys had everything ! Since they weren’t hauling it they had canned food and cots and all the nice things for camping out you wish you could have but was too heavy to carry your own self . That’s the proper and respectful way to use an animal . The animal sees you walking and feels better about you too . I just don’t feel right about riding animals .
The Lone Ranger and Trigger would disagree. They seemed to like the arrangement. But I respect your point of view. BTW Was the Lone Ranger’s horse really named Trigger or was it Silver? My memory fails. 🤔
Roy Rogers ( a hushed awe falls over the crowd ) rode Trigger and the Lone Ranger rode Silver . Marshal Matt Dillon’s horse was named Buck and there is only one episode of Gunsmoke that he ever calls his horse by name . Cowboys have to ride horses . They can’t walk in those silly boots .
Ha ha. Yes, you tweaked my memory. if I recall properly, Roy Rogers had trigger stuff upon his death.
Yeah , I suppose so . Camels are weird looking creatures but fascinating because of their ability to go without water for so long . I wouldn’t mind one if I was in the desert but I wouldn’t ride him , I’d use him like a pack animal . Years ago I was backpacking one time and ran into some guys with pack llamas . Those guys had everything ! Since they weren’t hauling it they had canned food and cots and all the nice things for camping out you wish you could have but was too heavy to carry your own self . That’s the proper and respectful way to use an animal . The animal sees you walking and feels better about you too . I just don’t feel right about riding animals .
Just kidding but does that mean you wouldn't give a kid a piggy back ride? ;)

Actually I'm a bit curious. How do you feel about sled dogs?
Just kidding but does that mean you wouldn't give a kid a piggy back ride? ;)

Actually I'm a bit curious. How do you feel about sled dogs?
Yes , I will always give any kid a piggy back ride but that isn’t even anything like what I’m talking about . A horse or any other riding animal is a lackey . A kid is your own flesh and blood and you do anything for them . Sled dogs ? The sled dog , like any dog , is man’s best friend and will do anything for him . Look up the Native legends about how man and dog became such great friends . Bring a tear to your eye Man .
All the sled dogs I've ever seen seem to be having an absolute blast.
There’s a kid that lives down the street from me that has his dog pull him on a skateboard . Boy and dog are in hog heaven . Speaking of hogs and dogs , remember the conversation between John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson in “Pulp Fiction” about pigs and dogs ? Any dog has definitely got personality and personality definitely counts .

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