What are you doing today?

I do not believe in making excuses for dogs that are violent. I recognize that more often than not it is the human that causes the problem but be that as it may any dog that creates havoc with my critters is not one that will survive. A bit harsh but that is what is actually required.
Actually I agree with you but there ARE cases that make things different. Before I left Ohio I had a dog that was a Collie/Shepard mix. Still it bit two people and due to that I had to have it put down even though, in both cases, the dog was justified.

First case was when it bit a young girl that was a friend of my oldest daughter. She was bitten on the side of her mouth to where a vein was hanging loose from the side of her mouth. This was the first bite and I could have been easily sued but the girl's brother stood in front of the cops, with hands on hips, and stated that "the dog would never have bitten her if she wasn't beating on it with a shovel.". I have to consider the bite justified...

Second case was a friend that came over and just opened the gate and walked in the back yard when kids and dog were playing in the yard. As taught to protect the kids the dog challenged and he got bit when he tried to grab the dog even though his 'grab' was in a friendly manner. I had a pool in the back yard and kids were very often over and the dog felt that it was her job to protect. When my friend came through the fence and tried to grab her she actually reacted exactly as she should with being trained to protect all these kids. Even though the dog knew the friend he made a move, in grabbing, that would prevent her from doing her job. In my opinion her reaction was totally justified.

In both cases I feel she was totally innocent and just doing as she should but the city mandated that with two human bites the dog had to be put down. I still believe that she should have not been killed.
I feel funny airing my laundry in public but “She Who Must Be Obeyed” had to be taken to the emergency room yesterday . She has become immobile with no leg function at all and a cancer in one leg has reappeared . A talk with the doctor today revealed that a CAT scan and lab work confirmed that her end is near . They are arranging in home hospice for us and I will be on a vigil for the immediate near future . It bewilders me how these things come barreling out of left field and hit you like a freight train when you are not just least expecting it but totally unaware that it’s coming . Deannasue that used to be on The Great TFF Forum once said that “ life changes in an instant “ when relating a story about her sister who got sick . She was sure right about that - “life changes in an instant” .
So sorry to hear this, my friend. Let us know how we can help.
I feel funny airing my laundry in public but “She Who Must Be Obeyed” had to be taken to the emergency room yesterday . She has become immobile with no leg function at all and a cancer in one leg has reappeared . A talk with the doctor today revealed that a CAT scan and lab work confirmed that her end is near . They are arranging in home hospice for us and I will be on a vigil for the immediate near future . It bewilders me how these things come barreling out of left field and hit you like a freight train when you are not just least expecting it but totally unaware that it’s coming . Deannasue that used to be on The Great TFF Forum once said that “ life changes in an instant “ when relating a story about her sister who got sick . She was sure right about that - “life changes in an instant” .
I'm so sorry. We're all here for you. I'll be praying for you and her for sure.
I feel funny airing my laundry in public but “She Who Must Be Obeyed” had to be taken to the emergency room yesterday . She has become immobile with no leg function at all and a cancer in one leg has reappeared . A talk with the doctor today revealed that a CAT scan and lab work confirmed that her end is near . They are arranging in home hospice for us and I will be on a vigil for the immediate near future . It bewilders me how these things come barreling out of left field and hit you like a freight train when you are not just least expecting it but totally unaware that it’s coming . Deannasue that used to be on The Great TFF Forum once said that “ life changes in an instant “ when relating a story about her sister who got sick . She was sure right about that - “life changes in an instant” .
Here for you if you need 💔 I know how hard unexpected diagnoses can be
Back in the Fold, my thoughts are with you. Today I am hiding out in the house mostly, clearing the backlog of sewing machine repairs so I can get some back to daughters and others up for sale, trying to find a replacement light socket for a 70 year old sewing machine is a challenge. The old one is bakelight, with cloth wrapped wires
I feel funny airing my laundry in public but “She Who Must Be Obeyed” had to be taken to the emergency room yesterday . She has become immobile with no leg function at all and a cancer in one leg has reappeared . A talk with the doctor today revealed that a CAT scan and lab work confirmed that her end is near . They are arranging in home hospice for us and I will be on a vigil for the immediate near future . It bewilders me how these things come barreling out of left field and hit you like a freight train when you are not just least expecting it but totally unaware that it’s coming . Deannasue that used to be on The Great TFF Forum once said that “ life changes in an instant “ when relating a story about her sister who got sick . She was sure right about that - “life changes in an instant” .

I'm so sorry my friend. My heart goes out to you both.
My pms are also always open too, you know I've been through a loss to that horrible disease too recently, and I know what even if expected, it hits like it's unexpected so often. Can confirm that Gary is a fantastic friend to talk with for anything like this too. If nothing else, we're here for you. Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows, and plenty of us here truly care about each other, and want to be here for you through the hard times as well as the good. Sending love and strength to you both.
Today is my birthday. I snuck out to the fishroom early, as my dog walk was shortened by a very high tide. I moved my Neolebias trewevasae into 2 tanks, one male tank, one female. The breeding tank is on the rack above. Natural set ups aren't doing it, so it's time to do a little work on them.

They got a good feeding of whiteworms. This afternoon, they'll get mosquito larvae, and tomorrow morning, freshly hatched brine shrimp. A few days with that rotation, and they'll go into a tank with warmer water and we'll see what transpires.

For the rest of the day, I'll be with the family, enjoying a beautiful September afternoon. The rest of the water changes can wait til tomorrow.
Almost a week later... Must have overseen it...
Happy belated birthday, Gary...
Today I've done some gardening in the backyard...
And later on I've ordered new business cards and black plastics bags ( a couple of sizes) to use at the vivaristic events.
I was planning to repair my second bicycle but I just don't feel up to it anymore. Maybe later this week...

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