What are you doing today?

One day i will read again. Today i cleared a garage path and rode my bicycle with my granddaughter
Garage? What garage. Ours is currently a catch-all that resembles a hoarder's jungle. It gets an annual sorting so the convertible has a winter home. Soon as nice weather hits it again becomes a catch-all.
Today we will clean the waterfall area of overgrowth. Will be on the lookout for a very large garter snake that has been seen in that area. Linda has commanded that he be exterminated. I am always sad when having to do this and have tried time and again to explain they are harmless critters that are part of pond life. She just shakes her head and says not in this pond. There are two, (at least) additional garters that are hanging about the stream bed. She has yet to see them so for now they can go about their business. I admit, I do not like snakes either. So long as they do not bother me, they are safe. However, Linda is an exterminate on sight person. She is extremely fearful of them.

The waterfall sprucing, as well as some weeding and trimming around the bog and stream will mean we are finally caught up on "gardening". The yard went to heck while we built the pond house, expanded the bog, and built the stream bed. Still have some gravel work to do but the area is essentially finished with the exception of the outdoor kitchen, (next year's main project). Beginning this weekend, we will be laying back and enjoying the fruits of our work for a while.
Garage? What garage. Ours is currently a catch-all that resembles a hoarder's jungle. It gets an annual sorting so the convertible has a winter home. Soon as nice weather hits it again becomes a catch-all.
I had to sell my daughter her supra back to get my garage back so I could bring the lawnmower thru from the back. It is organized hoarding, built a shelf sort of last week, used a piece of plywood and blocks and 2x6's that needed out of the floor, to get the wood up. My dog went crazy when he couldn't get to the spot where he smelled a critter. Had to organize. Put some legs under the arm by the refrigerator (that needs fixed) and today there is a freshly shellacked singer sitting on the ledge... this pic is last week.


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Today we will clean the waterfall area of overgrowth. Will be on the lookout for a very large garter snake that has been seen in that area. Linda has commanded that he be exterminated. I am always sad when having to do this and have tried time and again to explain they are harmless critters that are part of pond life. She just shakes her head and says not in this pond. There are two, (at least) additional garters that are hanging about the stream bed. She has yet to see them so for now they can go about their business. I admit, I do not like snakes either. So long as they do not bother me, they are safe. However, Linda is an exterminate on sight person. She is extremely fearful of them.
My solution to water snakes is a minnow trap hung along the edge of the pond, they get in they can't find their way out. Then relocate or exterminate as you choose. I usually relocate to the drainage creek that doesn't border my yard. They eat my frogs, which I don't like but they also eat rodents some...
Thinking about getting a few of these Damascus steel arrowheads to hunt with. Not sure how practical they'd be, and they're really too expensive to justify. But wow, they sure would look pretty on the tips of my hand-made, primitive arrows...
If you’re in the market for ancient metal, I would make sure not to buy anything from Ea Nasir
For my betta tank, I cycled a sponge filter in one tank while I grew plants in his home tank. Then the day before I got the betta, I just added the cycled filter. Worked like a charm.
I've been doing a new cycle in that tank with a new sponge filter. It's almost ready to be a quarantine tank for some purple harlequin rasboras I'm getting to replace my neon tetras that have died off. Day before yesterday, I added enough ammonia to get it up to 2-3 ppm. I tested 24 hours later and ammonia was so close to zero with 0 nitrites. I'm hoping I can get them by this weekend. So I hope I can get the tank cycled this week. Nitrates are really high in there but I'm not worried about it since it's not housing any fish at the moment. I think I'm going to water change it tonight anyways and then add 2-3 ppm worth of ammonia. We'll see if it's ready to go tomorrow.
Argh! I messed up and the ammonia was up to 4 ppm. Did a partial water change to get it back to 2-3. I would really like to get these new fish this weekend. But I won't compromise their health by putting them in an uncycled tank.
I remembered how to thread the bobbin on the 28k my granddaughter was using. Had to go.to the YouTube video, too many kinds of machine here. That was yesterday
Today is school supply shopping with granddaughters
Mrs. Badger and the Badgerling are off on a girlie trip to Casper, shopping for clothing and a new cat, I understand. Yes, I trust them a lot.

I am taking the opportunity to get a lot done: Some major renovations on my 55g (see journal), a good run in the desert, lunch from a taco truck, a nap, some research on a business I'm thinking about starting, and now to clean up the house and get my hunting gear organized and blades sharpened for next week's antelope opening day.

I'm hoping to kill an antelope with a long bow this year. That would be quite a coup. And it would be awfully nice to begin the school year and elk hunting season with some meat already in the freezer.
I've been doing some errands (I just hate the supermarkets when the customers are overcrowding the store but unfortunately the errands won't come to the house by themselves..), cleaning the window and window sills, moved my chilli pepper plants outdoors, cutting all the older seed pods of the lemon basel plant and let them dry more.
And now it's time to relax and hang out on the couch...
Brought my electric trike to my apartment to do some fiddling and my bird from Hades took it over (first image). He right away came out of his cage and perched on the handlebar and claimed it as his.

So I guess that I now have a 'biker bird' which means he needs a radical jacket. Mayhaps the second image could work... :eek:

biker bird.JPG

rebel bird.jpg

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