What are you doing today?

Today I will be going to my LFS to pickup some more water treatment and some fresh food.
After that I will be carrying out our weekly water change.
I’ll also be watching British Superbikes for round 5 at Snetternon, then hubby will insist on changing the channel to watch Formula 1 at Silverstone 🏍️🏎️🏁
Today I will be going to my LFS to pickup some more water treatment and some fresh food.
After that I will be carrying out our weekly water change.
I’ll also be watching British Superbikes for round 5 at Snetternon, then hubby will insist on changing the channel to watch Formula 1 at Silverstone 🏍️🏎️🏁
What are Superbikes?
I took 4 kids to fireworks last night and didn't lose any. Dropped their mom's car at the junior high school and took the shuttle bus to the fireworks. Afterward, massive line to get on buses and only one bus out of 9 showed up. We walked 2 miles back to the jhs to the car, youngest is almost 10, she's a trooper. my feet are tired but it was a nice cool walk. resting today, maybe some laundry and dishes now that all grandkids have gone home
What are Superbikes?

Motorbike racing:

The Euro tournament is like elections - I know who I am against but I have a hard time with being "for" any of the options. Spain has been fun to watch.
In the COPA, Canada has survived and the USA were knocked out, so that's good. But Argentina is up next, so Canada is going to be in trouble there. The big kids are coming to play.

So today it poured rain, then rained some more, and then really rained. Out in the fishroom I found and saved about 20 Ancistrus, and force hatched some overdue lampeye eggs. Beyond that, I watched two Euro matches - a bit of a lost day.
Spain are undoubtedly the best team. France and England are strong enough to make the semis without getting out of third gear…..problem is it may be because a third gear is all they’ve got.
A mate of mine now in his early 60s used to go to the track day at Silverstone with a few of our bike owning mates where members of the public are allowed to go round at intervals on their own bikes, his was a 750cc. He was in early 50s at the time. Thought he had a bend all figured out but obviously didn’t. Off he came broken hip, wrist, collar bone and a few ribs.
Back on his bike as soon as allowed of course. A few years later they decide to go back to Silverstone for another go. He does a few more laps with no problems then thinking he’s got it all figured out goes for the same bend with a lean similar to above. Same results as last time minus the broken hip.
No more track days for him. A man’s gotta know his limits.

I came off an old WW2 messenger m/c the first time I got on one but got away with merely heavy bruising. Next week there were pictures of Barry Sheens X-rays in all the national newspapers. If he can come off I figured I’d best stick to walking!
A mate of mine now in his early 60s used to go to the track day at Silverstone with a few of our bike owning mates where members of the public are allowed to go round at intervals on their own bikes, his was a 750cc. He was in early 50s at the time. Thought he had a bend all figured out but obviously didn’t. Off he came broken hip, wrist, collar bone and a few ribs.
Back on his bike as soon as allowed of course. A few years later they decide to go back to Silverstone for another go. He does a few more laps with no problems then thinking he’s got it all figured out goes for the same bend with a lean similar to above. Same results as last time minus the broken hip.
No more track days for him. A man’s gotta know his limits.

I came off an old WW2 messenger m/c the first time I got on one but got away with merely heavy bruising. Next week there were pictures of Barry Sheens X-rays in all the national newspapers. If he can come off I figured I’d best stick to walking!

I’ve done a fair few track days myself. I’ve never come off on track but probably because I’m a little more sensible - hubby came off riding my bike 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣 no bad injuries just a bruised shoulder after a low side.
I’ve done Brands Hatch a few times (my local circuit), Snetterton, Donington and Mallory.


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Just after 6PM today there was a massive rain storm then an equally mad hail stone storm around here. Then when it was over a beautiful double rainbow appeared. Only the second I’ve seen. Gorgeous it was.
Putting the first layer of fiber backing on what I hope will be my hunting bow this fall. I'm backing this one with dogbane fiber. This is a "new" thing: I'm sure others before me have used dogbane to back a bow, but I don't actually know of anyone who has, including written sources. So, I'm on a voyage of discovery, figuring out how to use this stuff. The backing on one side has broken three times, and each time I've learned something. Maybe fourth time is the charm?

Also cleaning up the house for a heroically epic, LOTR-themed Badgerling birthday party on Tuesday. And hopefully a hike tonight.

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