What are you doing today?

We were goofing around down town today and wandered into a custom cabinet shop. We had a great conversation with the lady running it, I think the wife of the wood worker, who was fascinated with my bow-making and my wife's flute playing, and had interesting answers to my questions about the amazing woodwork filling the shop. She was insistent that I get in touch with her husband to talk about making bows. Just a really nice conversation, even though we obviously had no interest in buying anything. I love meeting people like that. 😊
I've had one grandchild here since Monday afternoon, so no online time. Now I have 3 here and I scarcely see them, although they did come out of the back room when they got hungry. Sushi rolls and tortilla rollups and they have vanished again. They did go outside and count my spiders. Female and Male Aurantia Argiope. The female is the big one
Got a shipment of lucky bamboo today and there was an unexpected hitchhiker. An American green tree frog!
Sadly I don't have the space to take care of it, so I took it to an exotic pet store near me.
Sigh, Last summer I had one of those, or mayhaps a 'peeper' get in my apartment. I guess it hopped on my sweats when I came in from outside. Never was able to catch the beastie to put back outside and have yet to find it a a small piece of frog jerky.
Been going through the manual for my new electric trike that the seller sent to me. YEA! I now know how to remove the battery and turn on/off the head and back lights. :)

Two of the things that bug me...
1) Printed manuals not being included with products. Not everyone has a cell phone (me included) to scan a Q-Code to get.
2) USB cable not being included with a printer.

Oh, this morning I placed another order with Omaha Steaks and got another nice freebee; 4 steak burgers, 4 franks and 4 boneless chicken breasts.
I went mountain biking for the first time today. It was a Red trail that might have been above my abilities. 6.4 miles of up and down hill. Lots of rocks. Very technical. Took two hours. Average time according to alltrails is 2.37. I guess I didn't do too bad.
the garage roof was stripped of shingles (except the hips) and tar paper and got new plywood, sistered rafters and waterproof underlayment. Tomorrow the top roll roofing comes. It's too shallow pitched for regular shingles and the situation is resolved. Now the granddaughter and I must find some kind of craft project
The fog is thick and cool all around the house - I can't even see to the trees before the Bay. I just took Mabel the dog for our morning walk through the seaside cemetery, and we saw a man visiting a grave, looking very forlorn and sad. On his way back to his car, he detoured to pet the dog, who thinks every human is just the coolest thing. Then as we left, she saw his car leaving and wagged her tail like it would come off, with a huge retriever grin. He was laughing as he drove by, which I hope helped ease the blues that had brought him to visit the grave. Dogs can be really amazing for us.

The fog should burn off in a couple of hours. I'm going to vanish into the fishroom and fiddle around with tanks for the morning. I suddenly have fry from 7 different species, and I'd like to add 2 more to that list so I can settle back and just raise them. I have someone dropping by around lunchtime to get some fish from me - extra males for a killie community.

I'm now on a mail watch for what I hope will become the 10th species, the Diapteron eggs from Europe. It would be a miracle for them to arrive this week, but I believe in random postal miracles. I know of one that happened once!

The summer should warm up and the fish will stop breeding. Then I can be into raising, which is a nice cycle. They'll slow up til late August/early September.
Roof finished before it rained. Not a lot of rain but it did cool down.
been a busy day. Taking brother to the hospital, resting at a waterfall, giving my official statement, speaking with my lawyer etc. Hopefully today was the last interview needed with the detectives and I can have some peace
Today Linda and I will begin putting the sheathing on the pond building. Yesterday I did all what I call the garbage work to get it ready. Garbage work is the parts of construction where you work a whole bunch but at the end of the day when you step back it does not look like you did much. Tedious but necessary to make the rest of the job go smoother. I did call a younger buddy to ask for some assistance in getting the sheathing from ground to roof.

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