What are you doing today?

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FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Was supposed to have an important Dr appointment this morning but the practice lost power and they had to cancwl
I had a bad meeting at work so to cope I just bought more aquarium plants haha. Some of these gorgeous red plants - at least my fish will have a good day! Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 11.59.23 AM.png
Do you have co2? Those can be a bit finicky.
Hmm no I do not - do you have any relatively simple recommendations? Whenever I look it up I just feel like there's so much. I have a 20 gallon with one betta, anubias sp., red root floaters, java moss, anacharis elodea, crested java fern, and cryptochore sp.
Spent a good part of the morning helping a younger friend work on building a bow. Unfortunately, we discovered a fatal flaw: A deep crack in the belly. I'm glad it showed itself before he put any more time into it. Broken wood is part of the process, sadly. If you ain't breakin', you ain't makin'.
Hmm no I do not - do you have any relatively simple recommendations? Whenever I look it up I just feel like there's so much. I have a 20 gallon with one betta, anubias sp., red root floaters, java moss, anacharis elodea, crested java fern, and cryptochore sp.
I steer clear of co2. More trouble then its worth. Harmful to fish as well.
Today we hauled dead wood to the stream bed to make dead fall. Tomorrow I will buy a pick up load of soil after my pre-op ekg to fill in areas of the dead fall for planting.
Today I had prepping exam for next weeks eye procedure. All was good so slice and dice goes forward.

Had planned on getting a load of soil mix on way home but with the temp topping 90 and rain tomorrow chose to wait till Friday.
Today I had prepping exam for next weeks eye procedure. All was good so slice and dice goes forward.

Had planned on getting a load of soil mix on way home but with the temp topping 90 and rain tomorrow chose to wait till Friday.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery Spartan.
It's the wee hours and I'm sitting upright to deal with some short term, post surgery bleeding. I seem to be able to breathe through my nose, for the first time since I broke it ages ago, and my sinus problems may have been considerably reduced. Eventually, the swelling will go down and the surgery will heal, and I'll find out.
Right now, I feel like I was in a good hockey game yesterday afternoon.
Sometimes we take things for granted, and get used to things that can be improved upon. I'm glad I decided to explore getting this fixed, and wish I hadn't dismissed this pre-retirement because I was too busy, and you get used to chronic pain. Maybe normal has become something else. I hope so.

I may have to buy myself a fish to make me feel better!
Had an appointment at the optician this morning. He explained a possible reason I'd been "lost to the system" with my hospital appointments. There are people with ocular hypertension who are not medicated (eye drops) and they can be monitored by an optician. The protocols at the eye hospital for this area say that they should monitor those who are medicated, mainly because if medication needs to be changed, they can write a new prescription while an optician can't. It's possible that the locum I saw in 2020 is used to different protocols and hadn't got on board with my hospital's protocols.

Simple eye test this morning as things like retinal photography, field of vision tests and other scans are done by the hospital so the optician doesn't need to do them. And I don't need new reading glasses - unless I feel like having new frames :)

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