What are you doing today?

That's not a bass. It's a fish. You could never join a rock band with that.
Today *I* played bass (guitar not fish) in my school band concert! I normally play percussion but they let me play my electric because we are smol and didn’t have any low brass this year. I’ve been playing bass for abt a year and a half now. I play on stage in my church too.
I have a thing about bass guitar. Other people listen to the lead guitar, but my ear picks up the bassline and follows it. For a short time in the late 1970s (last century, you know) I lived near a major reggae studio, and I would walk over, grab a park bench and listen to the heavy bass working out its lines. From there, it was dub, and all the things that have followed from it.
I'm tone deaf, so I can't play anything, but if I could, it would be bass. Not the fish. It's illegal to keep them as pets here.

@JackGulley - at one point, Athens Georgia produced some pretty good bands.
Has been a productive morning so far, lots of laundry since it's great drying weather outside, general housework, sent bro out with a shopping list of the things we need (he wasn't happy about being up at 9am, but I'd been up since six, and he wasn't so grumpy once he'd eaten and accepted we have things we need to get done).

Finally cleared the excess weed from the pond, it desperately needs a good vaccing though - will have to see of my neighbour with a koi pond has one I can borrow - if not, have a friend in the hobby who has said before he can borrow a good one - there's 30 odd years of sludge in the bottom there. Still, pond looks much better, and I feel less guilty. The fish I saw look well, although there are tons of wild types in there.

Saw a newt in the process, and also some jelly spawn with dots in it that wasn't snail, frog, newt or toad spawn - goldfish spawn? I know the newts hatched earlier in the year. It was on the roots of some watercress, I placed it back in the pond.

Then did some several years overdue trimming and pruning of some bushes. They've been wild for about three years, so were growing tall, leggy and sparse, so the hard cut backs should hopefully make them bush out and flower better in the summer. If not this year, then next. Covered in scratches, but satisfying work!
We experimented with scape
Got my water changes done, then got three of the four garden beds cleaned out, weeded, dug, and ready for planting. Took a nap, and now making the girls some well-earned masala chai. Now, time to sit in the sun in the back yard, processing dogbane fibers for future projects, then finish up a herculean garage-organizing project and maybe roast some dandelion roots--the Badgerling and I have heard about dandelion "coffee" and want to try it. Then? Might knock off and rot our brains on the idiot box for a while. :)
Got my water changes done, then got three of the four garden beds cleaned out, weeded, dug, and ready for planting. Took a nap, and now making the girls some well-earned masala chai. Now, time to sit in the sun in the back yard, processing dogbane fibers for future projects, then finish up a herculean garage-organizing project and maybe roast some dandelion roots--the Badgerling and I have heard about dandelion "coffee" and want to try it. Then? Might knock off and rot our brains on the idiot box for a while. :)
dandelion roots ????
I know people eat dandelion greens but never even heard of the roots being of use. :dunno: Let us know about the coffee as to if any good. Is it straight brewed roots or a mixture of coffee and roots?
roast some dandelion roots--the Badgerling and I have heard about dandelion "coffee" and want to try it.

dandelion roots ????
I know people eat dandelion greens but never even heard of the roots being of use. :dunno: Let us know about the coffee as to if any good. Is it straight brewed roots or a mixture of coffee and roots?

Definitely let us know the results of the dandelion roots experiment!

@jaylach I'm including you in this too because only the other day I read that dandelion leaves are fine for parrots to eat (from carefully selected locations of course with no weedkiller or roadside pollution) and have been meaning to pick some from my garden to try with my own birds. Will try to remember that for tomorrow, see if my Amazon or Hahns Macaw go for them.

Hoping to find some safe elderberries too, they're one of Oscar's favs.
Hoping to find some safe elderberries too, they're one of Oscar's favs.
Yuck!!!! I TOTALLY hate, detest, dislike and just don't like elderberries! Same goes for rhubarb. Unfortunately my mother love the nasty things and I had to go out with here to hunt them down. There was a near railroad track section that was thick with the nasty things so, at least, it didn't take much hunting. She would make pies, jams and, once, even sherbet. To be nice I had to eat the nasty stuff with here to make her happy but I dislike the things so much that it was a real effort.

On the other hand I used to work with a guy that played guitar and made wine... well more like brandy as to alcohol content. He had keys to the machine shop where we worked and we would get friends that played and jam on weekends. One Saturday night jam session he brought along a BIG jug of his elderberry wine/brandy. The guy, Harry something... can't remember how to spell the last name but it was something like Fanick... was a trip. He was an ex major league relief pitcher and had an Elvis fetish. Actually he physically strongly resembled Elvis.
Dandelion leaves taste good if you get the young ones. They are closely related to lettuce, and taste about the same. We haven't tried the root coffee/tea yet. I'll keep you posted.

My only knowledge of elderberries comes via Monty Python's French taunting...
Today I decided to make a photo from a potential sick brine shrimp. The male Artemia was already dead. The exuvia was with some filaments and "balls"...


The detail can be seen below. Maybe this picture could be shown to a potential advisor, who knows?
Plan on watching the Celtics/Heat playoff game. Celtics finished at the top this year with an awesome team.

Still looking for votes in our Fish of the Month contest.
CLICK HERE to view the poll and then cast your vote.
Was just reading up on bow hunting safaris in South Africa. I will never, ever have enough money to do something like that. And even if I did, I'd probably spend it on something else. But it's fun to dream. :)🏹 🐃
I've never been much of a runner, but recently I decided to see what my mile time is. 9:30. Yikes that pretty bad. This summer I hope to get that down to under 7 minutes. Wish me luck 😬

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