What are you doing today?

I've been teaching English as a second language to groups of refugees and immigrants for a while now. They have to do a standardized test, and the score affects their immigration status and opportunities. They are very motivated and stressed as their course ends in 2 weeks (another group begins right after). I started it because I've seen too many retired people become experts on TV game shows, and I want to keep my brain sharp. The fish can keep me busy and provide challenges, but you have to give back to the community too.
This going to be one of those retirement weeks when there is a lot of work incoming (and hopefully outgoing).
That sounds like a great way to give something back. I always thought working with refugees would be very rewarding (we don't have too many in Wyoming) I look forward to retiring in a couple years, because there are so many other things I want to do...I don't think staying busy will be the big problem. I think I will have to seek ways to be around other humans, though. Most of my plans involve composing music, building things (I love building bows, but I would love to learn how to make furniture and such), and wandering around in the hills.
trying to recover from a fractured ankle, i rolled it about 2 weeks ago and it was bad enough to where it fractured smh
Ouch. I have sympathy as I fell last May and fractured my fibula at both the ankle and the knee, as well as some ribs and some other injuries which are still an issue. Ankles are a real pain to break. Hope it is settled and you’re back fighting fit soon
@JuiceBox52 Congratulations. college is hard enough without all the challenges you have. I started my Masters a year after being diagnosed with a neurological condition which causes awful brain fog. I found that Lion’s Mane mushroom really helped and I still take it. I ran out recently and oh my goodness, word finding became quite difficult and making sentences even worse. Don’t get me started on remembering people’s names (surprisingly I’ll remember your dogs name though lol).
I hope you really enjoy your college time
Today I am enjoying spring, saw my first spring lamb, sooooooo cute with its little spotty face, I wanted to take it home and keep it safe.
At work until 6pm and in the gaps I have lots of little bits to sort out. Feeling optimistic today and planning the garden in our new home. It has a teeny tiny pond just now and am trying to decide if it should be expanded moved or (can I get the hubby to agree?!) made into 2 ponds. I really want both a wildlife and a koi pond.
I’ve always fancied one of those under the patio ponds. How do you go about getting one? Hmm… off to google (Ptooey, they are on my mortal enemy list, not Wil Wheaton though. Think I watched Big Bang Theory too much lol)
Have a great one everybody
@JuiceBox52 Congratulations. college is hard enough without all the challenges you have. I started my Masters a year after being diagnosed with a neurological condition which causes awful brain fog. I found that Lion’s Mane mushroom really helped and I still take it. I ran out recently and oh my goodness, word finding became quite difficult and making sentences even worse. Don’t get me started on remembering people’s names (surprisingly I’ll remember your dogs name though lol).
I hope you really enjoy your college time
Thank you! Yes the brain fog is immense. I’m hoping to go into the medical field as well which will be a huge challenge. I retain knowledge, I just have to read/listen to things six times instead of one. I have a lot more medical knowledge than most people, but come test time? It’s all gone. It physically hurts to think, and a test will wipe out my brain (and even my body) for a day

But yes! Word finding, names, all that, so impossible. I forgot my own name and birthdate. I’ve forgotten who my husband is 😅

Unfortunately lions mane never helped me, I still take it though, I know it has other benefits
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Thank you! Yes the brain fog is immense. I’m hoping to go into the medical field as well which will be a huge challenge. I retain knowledge, and I have a lot more medical knowledge than most people, but come test time? It’s all gone. It physically hurts to think, and a test will wipe out my brain (and even my body) for a day
I'm wishing you the best of luck!
It'll be a lot of work but I think you'll do good!
Try your best!

I understand that with testing... Like you know it all but then you get asked and then all the knowledge just goes for a hike 😂
Finally got my temporary tattoos up 🫣
Did my water changes and moved some fish around so now I have a twenty with no fish . My mind is now churning thinking about what I want . First choice is Corydoras aeneus because the empty aquarium has a sand substrate and I’ve never raised their fry before . The mind reels and boggles . What to get ? Rice fish are tempting me too .
@JuiceBox52 that's a shame. I have to say it's the one thing that keeps me functioning. Best of luck with it all though. I've worked in medicine since I left school and the older I get the less I can be bothered with studying, oh to read a fiction book for a change lol. Ho hum.
I've been teaching English as a second language to groups of refugees and immigrants for a while now. They have to do a standardized test, and the score affects their immigration status and opportunities. They are very motivated and stressed as their course ends in 2 weeks (another group begins right after). I started it because I've seen too many retired people become experts on TV game shows, and I want to keep my brain sharp. The fish can keep me busy and provide challenges, but you have to give back to the community too.
This going to be one of those retirement weeks when there is a lot of work incoming (and hopefully outgoing).
Totally agree. I have my computers, radio control truck and boat and critters to keep me busy after retirement. I give a bit back to community but not near what you are doing. I collect computer pieces parts and build viable systems that I donate to families with kids that can't afford.
Totally agree. I have my computers, radio control truck and boat and critters to keep me busy after retirement. I give a bit back to community but not near what you are doing. I collect computer pieces parts and build viable systems that I donate to families with kids that can't afford.
That’s awesome Jay . Computers are almost a necessity but the prices are out of reach for some families . I salute you .
Whew. What a day. Sometimes you're the pigeon and sometimes you're the statue.
I hope no one took this too seriously; I was mostly being humorous. Some of the children were being rather difficult and it made for a long day. But overall, I am happy to go to work each morning, so no worries. ☺️
I ordered 20 mixed sex Grade AA cherry red neocaridina. USPS was supposed to deliver in 2-3 days. Now they informed me it will take 5 days to arrive. I hope my critters survive the journey.

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