What are you doing today?

Today was a busy day for me. Started off with taking the car for oil change at 7am (gotta learn how to do it myself). Then did some straighten/cleaning till the car was done. After I got the car I went to get some Chemi-Clean to deal with the cyano in my 10 gallon salt tank. Ran some other errands and got home in time to rake/clean the flower beds around the house.
Then rain a storm threatened the afternoon, but it only got dark and cloudy and the worst thing was thunder before it went north east to Wisconsin and then got absorbed by the lake. It was ok as I was mostly (97%) done cleaning outside and physically done too, lol. Cleaned up and then made dinner, some stuffed salmon, a couscous-orzo-quinoa blend with some steamed broccoli. Now I am really ready for bed.

Glad I got it done today as tomorrow will be cooler and rainy. Also if I waited until next week the hostas would have grown in and I would be damaging leaves as I tried to rake around them. We have had a few weird over 70 degree/near 80 degree days and everything is growing like its mid May. Of course there is now a freeze warning from Sunday night to Tuesday morning. I feel bad for the couple bumblebees I saw as this messes them up, not to mention the plants if frost falls.
Ditto, but wound up doing a WC on my 6 gallon, missing the snake enclosures, laundry and a couple other little things around the house.

Why do I feel bad/guilty when I try to take a day to just relax?
Today I received (and accepted) an invitation to take part in a regional live painting contest of the international Art Battle Competition. I will be a contestant in the june 18th competition in Tacoma. There will be online international voting to vote artists onto the next round.
Looking forward to this experience.
I’ll have 20 minutes to create a work from scratch, at the end of the first round, there will be voting to determine which artists move on in the competition. All of the paintings will be auctioned off during the event.
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Today I received (and accepted) an invitation to take part in a regional live painting contest of the international Art Battle Competition. I will be a contestant in the May 13th competition in Tacoma. There will be online international voting to vote artists onto the next round.
Looking forward to this experience.
I’ll have 20 minutes to create a work from scratch, at the end of the first round, there will be voting to determine which artists move on in the competition. All of the paintings will be auctioned off during the event.
You HAVE to show us the artwork you make for the event!!
Do you have any ideas for it??
I've been thinking of turning my 20g tank that leaked (but not really), into a poison dart frog tank in the far future... Been doing a ton of research and I think it's 100% doable!
I see a potential Pet of the Month win in your future
I see a potential Pet of the Month win in your future
Mayyyybeeee 😏😂

I'm looking at up to either 3 Azureus OR Ranitomeya in the tank. Again, this is not ANYTIME soon lol. I don't have the funds for this and the 40g breeder all at once...
Mayyyybeeee 😏😂

I'm looking at up to either 3 Azureus OR Ranitomeya in the tank. Again, this is not ANYTIME soon lol. I don't have the funds for this and the 40g breeder all at once...
time to start you lawn mowing service...maybe dad will buy you a gas mower.
time to start you lawn mowing service...maybe dad will buy you a gas mower.
He said he's gonna try to be getting an electric mower... But no, I'm not gonna mow lawns for cash lol.
I have my permit test this week. After I get my permit, I hope to get a part time job if my parents let me...
You HAVE to show us the artwork you make for the event!!
Do you have any ideas for it??
I will and I do! If I make it past the local tournament I’ll be invited to regionals, with the possibility of continuing onto nationals!
I will and I do! If I make it past the local tournament I’ll be invited to regionals, with the possibility of continuing onto nationals!
Can't wait to see how far you get!! Wishing you luck on it! I'm sure you'll do great!
Can't wait to see how far you get!! Wishing you luck on it! I'm sure you'll do great!
Thanks! If I make it at least to the top 4 of locals I will be more than satisfied 😊

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