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FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Seriously thinking about yanking out most of my live plants. Not going to get rid of them but, rather re-locate within the tank. It is just that all my tall plants are to the left of the tank and I think it would be better to spread them all across the back. Mayhaps alternate the pink and green plants. I just think that the back plants to the left are too dense. I think that spreading them out across the whole back would also effectively hide all the hardware stuff and the output nozzle to the upper right would cause a lot of plant movement.

I think doing this would also make it easier to trim the plants. LOL! I REALLY don't understand why my plants are doing so well. With land plants I have a total black thumb. I mean the back left plants have actually, at times, grown through the hood's vents to open air.

Making chocolate soda... This is a first for making it and a first for trying it 😅
Finally...after much procrastinating (and after buying cheap and cheerful that never lasted or caused significant expletive use).....I have ordered a proper cordless combi drill/driver...an all singing, all dancing, full bells and whistles Makita kit.

Tired of fighting the curtain rails in this flat that date back to the dinosaur era (I have lived here 16 years and they were there when I moved in and have been a right royal pain from day one). The weekend coming it will be down and out with the ancient and in with a sparkly new. (At least that is the plan and theory....though knowing my luck with power tools absolutely anything might happen). The rail in the bedroom is over 3m long, brittle plastic and painted in screws.....so could be a case of cutting everything off the batten instead of unscrewing it all off (will depend on how many times I knuckle myself trying to undo the screws and how many expletives exhaust my patience).

The drill/driver kit plus other bits and bobs (such as a pair of cut proof gloves and a pair of goggles incase I have to get violent with anything) along with the new 3.6m curtain pole with finials will be arriving on or about Thursday.

I am lucky in that my dear departed dad taught me everything I would need in electrical, DIY and motor mechanics. The only thing not received from him was patience....least not where DIY is concerned anyway......if it refuses to budge it gets chopped off or hammered off, whichever is easier or quicker ;)
@wasmewasntit Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy power tools. 💕 You and @connorlindeman should make a trip to Wyoming. We have more "proper snow" than we know what to do with at the moment.
Yes...I do like my power tools......they don't have to be the oys for the boys, us girls can get pretty nifty with them too (occasionally) ;)

You are most welcome to lob some snowballs in my direction at any time please.......the more the better 👍
One tool I find handy is my flex shaft wall mounted dremel. Great for small filing/shaping tasks and cutting small objects. Also can use to polish small items.
Directed a kindergarten concert tonight. They were very cute. Finishing a kinder concert always feels a bit like getting off an airplane after a very bumpy flight: That was really fun, and I'm really glad it's over. 😁 💕

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