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The February FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Bro, Topi has such a worried expression on his face for the first picture 😂😂

Love the pictures! Adorable pets!

Have you been able to take your Pyrenees to the vet at all and help him a bit yet? I hope he is at least doing a bit better...
He does 😂
The vet gave him medication to help with the accidents, and it’s just wait and see for now :)
@JuiceBox52 I did need to see it, thank you so much for thinking of me! The animals are gorgeous, and the land around the house is amazing! Can Pixie and I come live with you? :lol:
Haha I wish! We are really lucky to live in such a beautiful spot surrounded my mountains
Okay, I've been away for months and have a lot to catch up on in between funeral planning and phone calls, so I have no idea what's going on with everyone! So my first question is: Wedding planning??? Whose wedding?? Are you getting married??
Mine, I’m getting married 😄😊
Second question: Exactly how many dogs and cats do you guys have?? LOL! I love them all, and I'd get nothing done all day 'cos I'd be playing with the dogs all the time.
We have two cats, one dog. The other two white dogs are our neighbors, but live on our land 50% of the time. The labradoodle is my fiancés family dog, and the golden lives at the summer camp where I’m getting married 😊
Thanks again for thinking of me and the moral support. I'm truly grateful, it helps! Yesterday and last night was rough, not gonna lie, but I'm going to take it easy today. I'm still making calls to let people know the funeral date etc, but taking breaks when I need them. :)
It will come in waves. Definitely take as many breaks as you can!
He does 😂
The vet gave him medication to help with the accidents, and it’s just wait and see for now :)
I really hope the meds help him out and he can get better soon.
How old is he again if you mind me asking?
Just picture an incredibly shocked face! Congratulations love, I'm so happy for you! I'm gonna need details at some point! Who is this young man? He'd better take good care of you!
She posted a picture a few days back. Let me quote the post for you.
And I can guarantee you, he is a very kind young man that loves her very much. He'll take care of her very well, I assure you Belle. :)

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