What are you doing today?

Today I have been doing the laundry (should have done it yesterday but too warm, was told it would be cooler today but weatherman lied again so now sat in my sauna...ooops meant to say lounge)

Also done today was a very messy job. Shouldn't have been messy but as with anything involving grab adhesive....it got kinda sticky messy kinda fast.... (<sigh> no-one is perfect) Anyway the job was sticking backplates for my new towel rails to the wall in the bathroom - can't drill holes since the walls have been boarded/tanked when the bath was removed and the room converted to a wetroom. So it was the "enclosed in the box" grab adhesive. It has gone fine. The adhesive took a shine to me and grabbed me instead of the wall several times. It is fine, nice to know something/someone wants me. All backplates are in place now (all digits crossed), have to leave them to cook for a minimum of 24 hours which in this heat will be fine (weatherman is a liar as usual, but it is fine). Tomorrow I shall attack....ooops meant attach but might well end up being attacked instead..... the various thingies to the backplates, cross all digits again and wait for the crash as they all fall off the wall.

But it will be fine.

I am certain that it will be fine.

Thinking positively....and nursing fingers that now have new fingerprints. It's absolutely fine.

If you go to the trout web, where fish discuss life and the training of humans (they refuse to use the word "net"), there has been a lot of debate about corn. The wild trout are disagreeing with the farmed ones and saying corn causes ripped cheeks and tongues. The farmed trout say that's alarmist fake news and that the wilds are sheepshead minnows. It's getting very intense. They all rejects lures as processed food, but they share an inability to always spot them.

Fish behaviour, man. It gets wild.
Just got back from fishing in the mountains.
This was my POV

Only caught one small fish. A bluegill.
Screenshot 2022-08-16 181708.png

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