Urgent Plz Help!

.....there predatory fish???!!!!

so when they were playing with my fingers...bumping up on them....that wasnt playing???

oh my
.....there predatory fish???!!!!

so when they were playing with my fingers...bumping up on them....that wasnt playing???

oh my
Looks like that was close..

Wouldnt want you in hospital as well, would we? Then who would do all of your new work, and find it all out like you have?

The plants will be fine without the CO2 for a while. It just helps them grow but they won't die without it. That can be dealt with later.
Yes, the plants will be fine without CO2 for the brief time that she will be away...
well i posted in the preditary section to see if they know anything that needs to e done special since i now know they are preditatory....

but i have a question..maybe you guys will have an idea....

why are they all staring at me!!! every fish in every tank is following me around...just staring! its creepy! the saltwater are doing it too!
oh lol....so everyones hungry lol....so im guessing the directions for feeding are written by the food makers, who only want to sell more food....
so if i tell you what food is here, can you help me figure out how much to feed each tank? I already know the marine, the guy who came colorcoded the tanks with post it notes lol...


i have sinking tropical tables for bottom feeder by tetramin.....so im guessing that any tank with a fish on the bottom gets these?
tropical flakes, also by tetramin....so any freshwater fish that arent goldfish get these?
Hikari algae flakes....bottom feeders again? specificaly plecostomus?
tetrafin goldfish crisps....so those are for the goldfish thats easy
freeze dried mealworms, shrimp, bloodworms, and eww...fish eggs...tubifex cubes,
hikari cichilid gold in sizes (baby, mini, medium, and large)
osi blood red parrot pellets small
betta pellets by wardley, atison, and hikari betta bio-gold.

its another assumption here, but im guessing etiher she alternates the food types, or each tank gets differnet foods...im betting each betta fish will only eat a certain pellet. why have 3 diff types otherwise? for the cichlid sizes, do i jusdge by the size of the fish? or the mouth? did i just see a mouth expand like a snake? eww.....
I wouldn't feed them for at least a few days. Hopefully Sukura will be back by then. You can actually cause more harm by overfeeding or feeding the wrong thing than not feeding at all. Most fish can go several days without food. Mine are never fed when I go on vacation for a week and others have left theirs unfed for a couple weeks.

You can feed the bettas if you want to. If she has the betta pellets or the bio-gold (what I used when I had bettas), just give each of them a couple once a day. It's best to drop them in and watch them eat each one before dropping in the next one. It usually only takes them a second or 2 to grab it and eat it.

As for the marine and predatory fish, I don't really know. I don't keep either so hopefully, someone with some experience there can tell you what to do as far as feeding is concerned.
Yeah, I wouldn't feed them...fish always act hungry whether they are or not.
oh thats good to know lol...

so theyre guilt tripping me then lol....figures! ok so ill leave everyone alone...its just funny, it reminds me of the chucky movies, all these eyes watching me! snd there is NO room in the house that doesnt even have fish in it!
i think you have had a 'crash-course' in how to keep fish.

Now you just need to get yourself one.

And join this forum yourself!

All once Sakura is better, obviously.

A crash course is right lol....so just to recap, her tanks should be fine until she gets back? they can manage without intervention for now? as long as nothing happens from now till then?

and i just heard from the hospital, Sakura is doing well, theyve moved her out of intensive but shes still out of it half of the time, so shes staying put. I had asked her about the fish and she said something about them needing to be walked. So yeah, im not asking for advice from her for a while. LOL theyve got her on something i think lol....

on a side note, this is amazing how much work fishkeepers put into there animals, I can barely keep up, hell, i havent been to sleep yet from the all nighter i pulled last night....between all her animals (and non fish) and work I dont know when she finds the time to have fun lol...
You don't know how to walk a fish? lol
Walking fish is easy! Its a fish keeping necessity!
:lol: :lol:


[Edit: Im assuming your very tired, so I'm going to switch to my pointing out the bleeding obvious mode, you can't walk a fish! Please don't try..it will only end horribly]

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