Urgent Plz Help!

Yup. If the tank isn't cycled, you will need to test daily and do water changes if necessary.
daily water changes?? as in with the bucket....*sigh*

ok then.....so the tests say 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10 nitrate, the pH is 7.8 for the big tank
the littler one says (well its kinda in between the 0 and the .25) ammonia, .25 nitrite, 20 nitrate, and 8 pH...

........so ist that good?? or am I making friends with the bucket?

If thats good, then I can dump in the fish? can all the fish go together? or do I need to split them up? I found a snail that looks alot like the snail in teh box in a tank upstairs,....so should that go in there?

oh and i found whats left of her camera....it seems to have recently been for a swim...its all soaking wet on the inside...so ill have to try to blowdry it out....
before you dump anything in, you need to acclimatize them to the water temps, are there heaters in the tanks? they will need them for sure...the first tank is cycled, im not sure whats with the other one? maybe in the process of being cycled?...i dont know any of the fish you listed so someone elses expertise on the water specs would be needed...also sorry about what youre going through, hope everything works out well!!
both have heaters in them and they are turned on..they are at 78 F.....
so I can put the fish in the first tank right? I need to do it soon, its already midnight and I have work in......5 hours.
4 red bellied pacu, 1 halfmoon betta, 1 inca snail, 1 goldnugget pleco

All I know about the fish listed is that the beta usually lives alone.... and the pacu are fresh water
daily water changes?? as in with the bucket....*sigh*

ok then.....so the tests say 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10 nitrate, the pH is 7.8 for the big tank
the littler one says (well its kinda in between the 0 and the .25) ammonia, .25 nitrite, 20 nitrate, and 8 pH...

........so ist that good?? or am I making friends with the bucket?

If thats good, then I can dump in the fish? can all the fish go together? or do I need to split them up? I found a snail that looks alot like the snail in teh box in a tank upstairs,....so should that go in there?

oh and i found whats left of her camera....it seems to have recently been for a swim...its all soaking wet on the inside...so ill have to try to blowdry it out....

The first tank looks like its cycled to me - this means that when the fish go to the toilet they wont be swimming in it for too long.

The second tank is not quite there yet. Ammonia needs to reach zero.

As stated before, float the fish bags to keep them warm. (I dont know quite what the status of the new fish is at the mo)

The halfmoon beta needs to go in a tank with no similar fish. Two of the same species will fight. If really desperate, take a bowl of water from a tank that currently has a beta and transfer the new one into the bowl.

Could you give us an update of how things are at the moment?
Bloody hell!

I sincerely hope Sakura makes a full recovery! How is she now?

And with the fish, how are they? Have you acclimatized the new ones?

I just got home from work......before i left I put the betta in a vase like the ones ive seen in petstores....i did use tank water, so it should all be good there. The other bags with what i think are the pacus i opened the bags in the water before i left and some swam out some didnt, but they all are still swiming, so thats good right? The big thing that sucks on the glass has a pinkish greyish spot on it....is that a bite? poor thing....the plants were chucked into the big tank with plants already in it. The snail is in the tank that has the same lookin kind of snail in it.

So is there anything else i could do or should have done? I have to go out right now and shovel the slush before it turns to ice... but ill be back as soon as im done!

(And im soo sorry if i did something wrong thats gonna kill the fish but I was gonna be late for work as it was...and i saw a way to add new fish online that sad something about opening the bag in the water and letting it mix over time....)

And Sakura is doing a bit better, at least shes sleeping and her breathing is finally better. Turns out shes allergic to what the hospital gave her as well as to the fish itself. And the babe is doing good too. I was worried what would happen to him with all this going on with Sakura. Ill be going up there tonite and hopefully she will be able to give me some ideas on what she wants done with the fish....
It could be a bite, and I know it is a lot to ask right now, but if you can identify an empty tank that is cycled, and big enough put the pacus OR the pleco in there, and add some 'melafix' I'm sure she will have some somewhere, just be careful to read the instructions, if your still not sure how much to add, then post the measurements of the tank on here, and we will do our best.

And honestly, this is possibly the one time I can live with someone killing a/the fish, because you are clearly very stressed, trying very hard, and doing your utmost for a friend you clearly care about a great deal.

I hope she gets better soon, and helps with how you could be doing things. If only more friends were as good as you!

Also, Thank You! For trying so hard, and doing your very best, not only for Sakura, but for the fish as well.

Ok ive been looking through her cabinets under the tanks alot, and Im curious now... Do you all have seperate everythings for each of your tanks? Bundles and bundles of tubes, turkey basters (?!?), nets of every size, eye droppers, bottles and bottles of things I cant possibly begin to understand, bags and bags of sand, dirt, rocks, gravel, fake plants, wood, more wood, and even fake wood. Is there a reason each tank has its own things? Cant you use the same net for everything? Do you really need 7 bottles of the same stuff?

Oh, I found melafix, primafix, rid-ich, teatree oil, zeemax, ampicillex, fluke tabs, maracyns 1 AND 2...and thats all i could find. Is it me, or is she paranoid?? some of these bottles arent even open!

Ok since the only other tank has bad water, can I treat the whole thing? the bottle says "a safe all natural way to treat bacterial fish infections" ad then it gives directions to treat not only when theres a problem, but when you add new fish. So it cant be bad to treat everyone, right? Or can I use the bucket that corresponds to this tank to stick the pleco in that to treat it? but then it wouldnt have all the filters and bubble thingy in there so I should treat the tank as a whole right?
I would put the GN pleco in the planted tank (acclimating slowly) and dose with melafix.
Ok. You say aclimating slowly. So does that mean I aclimated them fast last time? Is there a special way to do it thats better then the bag way I did last time?

And its ok to put him in the planted tank? He wont hurt the snails or the little fish in there? and I googled the other fish, they are Angel fish. Thats ok to mix together? I know I keep asking questions but I dont want to hurt anything... the melafix wont hurt the plants?

Oh one more question....her phone just beeped at me and reminded me to redo CO2....whats that, where do I look for it, and how do I redo it? LOL....
God I hope she can come home soon...

(And now its says WC New QT......Tst lvls......) TOO MANY ABBREVIATIONS!!!!!!! Can someone translate that out for me and tell me if i should ignore it or not?
Ok. You say aclimating slowly. So does that mean I aclimated them fast last time? Is there a special way to do it thats better then the bag way I did last time?

And its ok to put him in the planted tank? He wont hurt the snails or the little fish in there? and I googled the other fish, they are Angel fish. Thats ok to mix together? I know I keep asking questions but I dont want to hurt anything... the melafix wont hurt the plants?

Oh one more question....her phone just beeped at me and reminded me to redo CO2....whats that, where do I look for it, and how do I redo it? LOL....
God I hope she can come home soon...

(And now its says WC New QT......Tst lvls......) TOO MANY ABBREVIATIONS!!!!!!! Can someone translate that out for me and tell me if i should ignore it or not?

That says i think, do a water change on the quarantine tank and check the levels (ammonia, nitrite etc). Maybe thats the one with the bad levels you checked.
WC most likely means "water change", QT is probably "quarantine tank", Tst Lvls is probably "test levels" and CO2 is definitely carbon dioxide. At least that would be my interpretation on the others. CO2 is used in planted tanks as plants use CO2 and produce oxygen.

As long as the fish have now been in the bags, I'm not sure but it would probably be just as well to just add the FW fish into the tanks without going through a long drawn out acclimation. Usually, there is a pretty big build-up of ammonia and CO2 in the bags and the less time they spend in there the better, especially after they have been opened. I've never kept pacus so I don't know how hardy they are though.

As for the marine fish, I have no clue. I do know they are considerably more expensive tha FW fish.

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