Tropical FF Pet Peeves

durkbat and his addiction to having tanks full with angels and black widow tetras. :p :p

jus messin.

i think the most annoying thing ive come across on here is that guy who had an arrowana and stingray (to name a few) in his 180L tank and wouldnt listen to anyone when they sed it was wrong and tried to help.
Clicky old hands that gang up on newbies because they know everything and all the others know nothing, so must be assumed stupid
Just for a breath of fresh air!!!! Tropical Fish LOVES!!!!

I went to my LFS today and every plain/fancy Goldfish tank had a large easy to read sign "These Fish are NOT for small tanks, Minimum 2 foot" A family said "We have a 5 gallon tank, and I only want a small goldfish!" Fishkeeper replied "Have you kept goldfish before?", family replied "Yes, we won 2 at the fair and they lived for 4 years". LFS man replied "Goldfish should live in excess of 20 years so 4 is nothing to be proud of". They ended up leaving with a Betta, so I think that that calls for a round of applaus :band:


p.s. that was not to flog a dead horse, it is a true story, and I was really chuffed!
a few... :*)
1, lack of politness...both in asking questions and answering them

2, assumptions made about you being stupid just because your a newbie :sad: I want to learn thats why I am here.

3, feeding trolls :< and not thinking before answering what is obviously a troll question :rolleyes:

4, assuming EVERYONE wants the same fish as you...and will have them if you shout loudest for longest.

5, those who wont say where they are from either in their profile or when posting requesting ideas about where they can get things....unfortunatly like most on here I am not psychic :hey: :hey: :hey:

and finally... some people not realising that not everyone on here has a bottomless pit of money to buy buy buy every fish/chemical/tank/filter available and just has to (or wants to ) take it slowly and build it over time

moans over :*)

and yes I love brightens up my day :D
durkbat and his addiction to having tanks full with angels and black widow tetras. :p :p

jus messin.

i think the most annoying thing ive come across on here is that guy who had an arrowana and stingray (to name a few) in his 180L tank and wouldnt listen to anyone when they sed it was wrong and tried to help.
Hey!! :sly: :p

Thats what I was talking about earlier with that arowana and the rays.
i think the most annoying thing ive come across on here is that guy who had an arrowana and stingray (to name a few) in his 180L tank and wouldnt listen to anyone when they sed it was wrong and tried to help.
I think that fella was just trying to wind us all up, i mean, he COULDN'T be serious - could he??? :unsure:
Seriously though, think the mods referred to him as a troll...
people who try and tell you you are supposed to feed the fish in your tank and change some of the water every now and again ...... as if. my 20, oops wait a minute something's happening in my tank. my 19, sorry be right back. my 18 or so fish are doing great.

Didn't think this would get that many posts, but, I've read all of them. Interesting. I did find one comment that I thought might be an interesting modification:

Perhaps the comments under peoples names should change but not with indications that they know more than others. Eg. fish fanatic is a cool one, fishaholic and fish crazy. Perhaps leader of the fishes should be 'awarded' by mods who think someone is representative of the forum as mentioned here in this peeve section: polite, knowledgable, readable and respectful of others.....maybe get a little icon ......just a thought. SH
-People who post the most stupid, random questions apparently just for the sake of making a poll.

-People who even think about post count, be it their own or the post count of others. Why should anyone even care how often they or someone else posts? It's not a status symbol for Christ's sake, this is the internet! No one is going to respect you more for it, so just stick to replying when you actually have something to say. Alternatively, don't accuse people of trying to boost their post count simply because they make frequent short replies.

-People who get all worked up about a controversial topic and end up trying to turn a thread into a flame war and ruining it for the rest of us who were actually interested in civilized discussion.
Well, at first it was trying to dig up old threads of mine to update until gf at plants told me how to keep track of them. Life is much better now. Thanks gf.

Otherwise, pretty much the same stuff as everybody else except that it frustrates me a little when I can't post photos in some sub forums yet can in others, and killing a good debate too early because a few take it too personally.
I've pondered on this for some time and I must be in a good mood or something because I can't really think of many TFF peeves. I suppose mine would be somewhat different from you guys'... I do agree with the comments made towards those who turn an otherwise healthy debate in to a flame war. It seems almost inevitable every time.
A big one is: when members get personally offended at one mod, and most often the whole team and in some cases TFF as a whole, for enforcing the rules that have been there for years. This happens all too often. We are all members just as you and we're here because we love TFF, we also help take care of it, and sometimes this is mud in our eyes :p :S

Overall you guys are cool. I could do with less text speak, and more well thought out posts. I've always felt that a thread created by you is something you should take pride in...and some things just aren't thread worthy. A little bit of googling and searching does wonders :*
another pet peeve of mine is
no one (or few members) commenting on pics posted in Member's Aquarium and Fish Pictures.
just take a min to think of what the postee has gone through to get a pic, or two that they deem is "good enough" for you lot to look at only to have 100+views with 3 or 4 comments.

At least I try and trick you guys into saying something in mine posts there :p
other members may just give up an not bother posting any more pics.
One of the things that annoys me here is when mebers post twice in the same thread and say the same thing but in different words just to get a high post count.
And something else is when members think that just because they dont agree with the rules they dont have to comply with them and ruin the forum for everyone.

"julibob" said:
I "hate" it when I go a UK pet chain and all the fish are dead or dying, full of disease and septacemic, yet being sold to unsuspecting public with no knowledge. Sorry just got back from there buying pet suppies and feel very, very upset. Just about to email the head office, and possibly the RSPCA

hey all,

just to comment on what julibob posted earlier.....i used to live in uk and have now relocated to Denmark and the difference in standards of LFS between UK and DMK are huge!! Over here, every store ive been into look as good as new! Tanks are clean, stock are amazing looking and everything is neat and tidy! Its really amazing!! And it wasnt only the fish section but evey other section too!

I have yet to buy anything from them as ive just got to denamrk and dont have a tank to speak of yet!

...but saying that i was in my lfs the other day and they did have a few dead fish floating about, i dont think its nice either, but im sure it was just cos they were busy!


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