Tropical FF Pet Peeves

Grrrrrrr, no fair! :angry:

LOL, well at least you knew what I meant, I just don't like when people like leave out words and you have to read the sentence like 3 times to understand what theyre trying to say.

But thanks for taking the time to look that up for me, I appreciate it. :good:
Here're my new pet peeves about forum function (PLEASE tell me if there's a way to change this that I don't know about)... I can no longer just highlight a section of text and push the i, b, or u buttons to underline text, etc... it pops up a box instead where I am supposed to type the text I want formatted, but I have ALREADY TYPED IT, DARN YOU!! Also, when I click a smiley instead of typing out the code for it, it appears at the end of the post instead of where I am currently typing. WTF sense does that make? :p
I'm lazy and hate typing out my own brackets and text formatting and smiley codes, okay?! :(

But in other news, I love the quick edit, especially when I'm typing on crappy school keyboards and need to fix something in a jiffy
Here're my new pet peeves about forum function (PLEASE tell me if there's a way to change this that I don't know about)... I can no longer just highlight a section of text and push the i, b, or u buttons to underline text, etc... it pops up a box instead where I am supposed to type the text I want formatted, but I have ALREADY TYPED IT, DARN YOU!! Also, when I click a smiley instead of typing out the code for it, it appears at the end of the post instead of where I am currently typing. WTF sense does that make? :p
I'm lazy and hate typing out my own brackets and text formatting and smiley codes, okay?! :(
Totally with you on this one - big time !
But get this - is only certain sections - not all. But yes - that certainly is annoying :sly:
Gotta say... As a sorta newbie to this place, the fact that such a thread as this exists in the first place, and has gotten to this size, annoys me. :/

Had this been one of the first I'd seen, I'd not have returned.
Lol Mithlondwen! We're all so nice to one-another here, sometimes the frustration builds up and you just gotta let it out :p
Well, mithlondwen.... think of this thread as a useful way to realise what is generally annoying to people.

Its like if someone is picking his nose in public and for him this is perfectly normal, until somebody tells him this is actually quite disgusting and anooying to people he would not think to stop doing it.

That person then has the choice to keep picking his nose, or to be a bit more considerate to those around him.

And to be honest, there are definitely some nose pickers on here :hey:
I also appreciate that a MOD asked the question, out of genuine curiosity and possibly even a desire to improve the forum. :)
I hated it when I went to an 'old school' LFS and mentioned I was going to fishlessly cycle a tank. The words of the shop owners brother was:

"Don't let him hear you say that he'll hit the roof!'

Why, because it means I don't waste money in his shop on restocking a tank due to floating fish?
there is too much hate in this world so i dont hate much or dislike much i just get on with it ,, lives to short to be thiking about hate....
if people post the same things so what ? what diffrence does that make to you?
if people in the lfs try and tell you the wrong thing well try and help them out and re educated them ,
id people are snotty and stuck up then think ,,they are the misrable 1s not you ,, sad low lifes ,,
so all im saying is live to short to be hating things brush it off then get on with it ,,
live life as its youre last ,,, :good: :hyper: 8) :D :shout: :nod: :rolleyes: :lol:

my last post was life not live i cant spell yes i know but that doesnt bother me either ,, so cheers ppl,, have fun live life to the max

well, we would all love to live that way but you cant help but have things get on your nerves :lol:
I hated it when I went to an 'old school' LFS and mentioned I was going to fishlessly cycle a tank. The words of the shop owners brother was:

"Don't let him hear you say that he'll hit the roof!'

Why, because it means I don't waste money in his shop on restocking a tank due to floating fish?

I totally feel you on that one. I went into the same type of store and they had no clue about fishless cycling. Then the guy says hes been doing fish for 9789789some years and he swears by that "Cycle" product. Well I told him I tried it once and it didn't work, he starts laughing like I just didn't know what the hell I was doing. RUDE OLD PEOPLE! It's funny how I've only been in this hobby for like 7 months and I know more about the cycling process than he does.
Years ago, Desmond Morris wrote a book called The Human Zoo where he explained that as human population grew, most individuals lost the ability to become leaders. In the small groups we used to live in -- villages, tribes, etc., -- everyone knew everyone else, and status worked itself out. But in cities, this fell apart. So we create clubs.

Whether it's a tennis club or a fish forum, clubs fuel a psychological need for status. By making clubs more and more specialised, we make them more exclusive, and that means there are fewer people in them. Thus the chances of becoming a leader, or at least high-up the hierarchy, becomes a real possibility.

If you think about this, it explains so much. Why people care about post counts, and why people get cross when they aren't invited to become moderators. Of course we have other reasons to help people here: the desire people have to share things and to communicate. The wish to be helpful and to make sure fishes are kept properly. But deep down, I think Morris is right that we also want to be respected and have people look up to us.



Until I read this post, I had no idea that the post count was so important to everyone. I have never even looked at my own post count, let alone others... Does anyone care to explain why it's so important?
I hate to hate love to love, but I really do dislike those who have forgotten they where new once & those who post epic posts that don’t really say a lot.
This is actually a good post, not only because I can chuckle at some of the genuinely minor things that annoy people, but also because I can pick up on some things that lots of people agree are annoying and hopefully make my posts better.

Anyway, my pet peeve, people who talk about fish..................oh.

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