Thinking Of Going Marine

Seffie, you have a Rio 400? I love that tank and if I could afford to kit out a project that large it would be the foundation I would use. However I am skint and so I guess Ted and Doll will be staying put in the 24g for the time being.

Seffie, you have a Rio 400? I love that tank and if I could afford to kit out a project that large it would be the foundation I would use. However I am skint and so I guess Ted and Doll will be staying put in the 24g for the time being.


Would 30kg be enough Live Rock for the 240?
Plenty of you have the flow to go with it :good: one liter of salt water will weigh about 1.025KG at a specific gravity of 1.025, no prises for guessing what one liter of salt water at and SG of 1.026 weighs now is there :p

Carefully saying that 240l tanks are not much for an upstairs floor Ski. For most houses you could be correct, but there will be a few instances where that is really pushing your luck. The only person to tell you if it is safe for deffinate is a structural engineer, and they are a lot cheaper to get to do a servay than it is to replace one, possibly two, floors in your house and re-decorate after the damage of it going through. Remember, only a select few insurance companies will cover your for damage caused by aquariums :sad:

All the best
Tis the only thing going against the 240. The 180 will weight about 250kg i think and the 240 about 290kg
Well, 240L = 63gal

Realistically after rock displacement you're more like 55gal * 9lb/gal = 495lb = 225kg + 30kg of rock = 255kg

So, a lot, but spread over a 4' length it really isn't that much pressure per square foot. As a general rule of thumb, weight isn't much of a consideration below 75g
Thanks Ski :good:

Are Sunset Wrasse Reef safe?
Just another quick question: What would be the best location for the tank. Location A or Location B?


Thanks Andy
IMO position B. If the floorboards run that way the joists will run at right angles to them. You are better to spread the weight across as many joists as is possible.
I have just mucked about with a bit of paper and a pencil to work it out.

And I agree too!

Another quick one: Can you keep Neon Gobies (Elacatinus oceanops) in a small group, i have read conflicting infomation on this?
So could i get away with 5 in a Rio 240?
Ok these are the fish that i am now looking at:


False Percula Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
Clarks Clownfish (Amphiprion clakii)
Humbug Damsel (Dascyllus aruanus)


Sunset Wrasse (Thalassoma lutescens)
Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus scottorum)


Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto)


Indian Yellowtail (Apolemichthys xanthurus)
Bicolor (Centropyge bicolor)
Coral Beauty (Centropyge bisinosa)
Keyhole (Centropyge tibicen)
Potters (Centropyge potteri)
Bluespotted (Chaetodontoplue caeruleopunctatus)
Multibarred (Paracentropyge multifasciata)


Neon Goby (Elacatinus oceanops
Orangespotted Goby (Amblyeleotris guttata)
Green Mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus)


Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)
Kole Tang (Ctenochaetus strigosus)

I think thats about it. Obviously i wont be getting everyone but i would like to hear your opinions on the selected fish (the mandarin would go in after about a year or so) for the 240.

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