Thinking Of Going Marine

I'd don't do Tangs, Angels or Wrasses, so I'll leave them to someone else...

Manderins can be hard to care for. Being a dragonette, they require mostly like copepods in their diet, initially at least, though some can wean them onto prepaired or frozen foods with time.

Obviously, you can only have one group of the damsel fish family in there. So Clowns or "Damsels" basaically. Damsels are best added last as they tend to be teritorially agressive, but clowns are generaly well behaved :good: Either clownfish you are looking at would be fine for yours :nod:

The Royal Gramma is easy to care for and should be fine in a 240l. They are tricky to source round our way ATM though...

All the best
il have a go at the others then


Sunset Wrasse (Thalassoma lutescens) - can be quite aggressive, tank is probably a bit on the small side.
Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus scottorum) - should be ok


Indian Yellowtail (Apolemichthys xanthurus) - might get too big, probably eat corals
Bicolor (Centropyge bicolor) - quite fragile, mature tank required here
Coral Beauty (Centropyge bisinosa) - easy to keep, clam, nice fish, got one myself
Keyhole (Centropyge tibicen) - possible, semi arsey, might eat corals might not, can be quite fragile
Potters (Centropyge potteri) - most people that i know who have kept these have had problems, dont tend to be reef safe
Bluespotted (Chaetodontoplue caeruleopuctatus) - stays a nice size, same risks as all angels
Multibarred (Paracentropyge multifasciata) - difficult to keep, decent size

Tangs - imo i wouldnt risk a tang, you wouldnt believe how much they swim

Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)
Kole Tang (Ctenochaetus strigosus) - would be my choice out the two
Thanks Guys!

The Royal Gramma is easy to care for and should be fine in a 240l. They are tricky to source round our way ATM though...

All the best

Not this side of Leeds, a LFS near me has always had them when i have been in! They charge £17.50 for them is this about right.
Thanks Guys!

The Royal Gramma is easy to care for and should be fine in a 240l. They are tricky to source round our way ATM though...

All the best

Not this side of Leeds, a LFS near me has always had them when i have been in! They charge £17.50 for them is this about right.

Thats a good price. Which shop is it?
One in Ossett about 5-10 mins drive away from me! :p Although LR was £13.50 a kg :crazy:

you cant mix all those angels in that size of tank you need at theast a 5-6ft tank to mix 3 angels so i would add


Indian Yellowtail (Apolemichthys xanthurus) no aggressive to smaller fish
Bicolor (Centropyge bicolor) yes but best added last
Coral Beauty (Centropyge bisinosa) yes nice and peacful
Keyhole (Centropyge tibicen) no nips at soft coral and territoral
Potters (Centropyge potteri) not reef safe and dont live long in capacity
Bluespotted (Chaetodontoplue caeruleopunctatus) best added last but not reef safe and very territoral
Multibarred (Paracentropyge multifasciata) hard to feed and needs to be with peacful fish

in had a 250ltr tank added a ffew small angel and though to the death even when i added them at the same time so i would only add the coral beauty and bicolour as last fish
I only plan on having ONE Angelfish, just cant make my mind up! :S
Hmmm! I do like the look of Filamented Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus filamentosus), any of you guys had any experience with them?

The flasher in my sig is a Filamented Flasher Wrasse. Stunning fish. Feed Well, very calm as long as you don't have 2 males.

Check out my journal, Nano has more pics I think, they are a bit quick. Aquarium needs covering as these guys jump. Mine startled my mum whilst I was on holiday by jumping onto the cover glass. Luckily she just flipped him back in.

SkiFletch is a big fan of these and other flasher and fairy wrasse too (I think he just likes wrasse to be honest).

Can be a little lazy, first to bed and last up, will always see them during the daytime though.
SkiFletch is a big fan of these and other flasher and fairy wrasse too (I think he just likes wrasse to be honest).

Guilty as charged :D

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