Hope your Christmas didn't go too badly mate, you feeling any better? The only advice i can give is get your head down and put your mind to something else. If i had a pound for every time a girl went back on her word, or let me down, i'd be in Barbados. It's a fact of life, and i know you're 16 so i've got four years on you but in those four years i've learnt a hell of a lot. When you look back you'll realise how much you've learnt. Don't let it affect you, if someone doesn't want you for who you are, tell them where to go.
From my own experiences i did well at school, bombed out of sixth form with U's all round and went straight into the army. All the while having girl troubles, girlfriends cheating etc etc the usual. It was a mental time for my head, and at times i thought i was depressed but i dragged myself up out of the #105### and into bliss as i call it! Don't put too much emphasis on girls, in my opinion think of your career etc first, then girls. Of course have some fun, but know the line between fun and serious. Just be clear, honest and don't take rubbish from anyone. I had a look at your blog, it's class mate. I'm not as fit as i was in the army but i'd be up for some charity work definately!
The amount of trouble i've been in over women is incredible! Don't let your heart rule your head!! I've been single for over a year now after becoming wise to the devious tricks of women, and of course i've had my flings in that time but i've never let a woman gain the upper hand. Recently i've tried to get back onto the 'dating' scene, met a nice girl and took her out. I was due to go for afternoon drinks with her the Friday just gone, she ignored my texts and Facebook messages for 3 days then mysteriously text at 4am on Christmas Eve morning saying she'd been in a car accident and was shaken up but okay. So i ignored her as i don't believe a word and she inboxed me on Facebook last night at 3am saying she misses me and hope i had a good christmas. See what i mean about women?? Blocked her!! Don't get sucked in and PM me for a chat and a rant!
The worst Christmas of my life, but thanks for asking. I always get a little sad at Christmas, thinking of the people on their own, and the suffering in the world, but I had been so looking forward to spending time with her (and to so much more in the future) and had that thrown away from me. I actually posted this thread on Christmas eve at 1am. I read everything again and everything came rushing back. I didn't want to get out of bed on Christmas Day, which is a change! I normally love Christmas. I was feeling ill anyway, which didn't help, but kept getting tearful and going upstairs and leaving my family to it. I texted her wishing her happy Christmas, and she said thankyou for the card and present which I'd sent her (this was after we'd fallen out, as she never gave me the chance to give her a card (and she asked me not to get her a present even though I already had) so I spent £7 on special delivery to get it to her before Christmas and she said I shouldn't have bothered. She may have reacted differently, but by text, she seemed like she didn't care). I've been up and down all the time, one minute I remember one thing I was told and the next I remember another and start getting tearful, and the realisation hits me once again. Now I know this sounds ridiculous, as it's just a girl, but I'm sure you and everyone else have been there before.. but I have a huge sense of regret for everything I did wrong, for not making it work, for not being more fun and for acting how I did afterwards. She told me so much (and lied and hid things from me so she 'didn't hurt me') and I've realised what I did wrong. People tell me not to change for her, to be myself, but the way I am I don't think I'm going to get many girlfriends (and I really want one as I've experienced how special it makes you feel and how much fun it is). It made me realise how many problems there are with me as a person, and how my unhappiness in general was simply hidden when I had a girlfriend, and came back straight after, and that probably influenced us breaking up, I should have sorted myself out before hand. And also, as I'm sure you all know, when you have your first really special memories with a girl, they mean so much and when you're not together it hurts and makes me sad to remember them. Worst of all (which happened about 3 weeks in and made things 10x worse) is that she told me the real truth as to why we split up, and shortly after my mum got involved and now she will hardly talk to me, wants to get on with her life with hew 'new friends', wants to move on, and says there's no way we can ever rekindle a friendship after what's happened with my mum (a good excuse not to be friends which she said we would be no matter what?) and that she wouldn't ever want to see me again and that there's no way we'll have anymore good times again. Quote: 'it's all over'. That hurt. What also hurts is that I know I've missed out on so much more we could have done, wish I'd got a chance to do things again to make them better, and that she will enjoy those things with someone else instead. She's trying to forget about me, when really all I did was ever care for her, and the aggro started because of what she did, not me. Even then I was still apologetic! She will reply to a text now and then but then ignore it after a few and never replies. I know she still checks my Facebook though, as she's picked up on things. She says I post 'too much, too often'.. but that's who I am, is that a good enough excuse to dislike someone?!
Being the person that I am, sensitive, thoughtful but also very emotional, stuff like this will always hurt me so much more. It doesn't seem to have bothered her, she seems to be back to normal. Obviously I don't know what's going on her head but she doesn't seem to care about what we had or what we could have. She only seems to care about herself and what she wants. She's a stronger person than me, but I have greater respect for the people around me, believe in forgiveness and she just thinks it's about meeting more people to have fun with and forgetting the old ones. Not fair. Over-exaggerating things, telling her how I felt, acting desperate and emotional, as if I couldn't live without her (realising I'd lost her was the most painful experience of my life so far), just made it worse because being quite strong as she is, it probably just made me look weak and annoying when she probably wants someone tough (who may also treat her like #105###, but she said if she gets hurt she'll be upset but won't deal with it like I did, in other words she thinks I'm ridiculous). She shows little regard to my feelings. Telling me the truth at first would have hurt a lot less. Being friends isn't much to ask, but I tell myself, if she was a good person she wouldn't let anyone else get in the way of a friendship no matter what (and it wasn't my fault!). She has more friends, she is closer to her family, and has more distractions (More work) and has more pressure than me, so she's going to get over it easily. I have more hobbies, but they don't even seem enjoyable to me anymore, so I know I'm screwed! I have more time and opportunity to dwell on these things as I'm always alone, have less fun, and I'm always lonely. I'd make a brilliant friend, I'd be fun, always be there for someone and would do anything for anyone but nobody seems to want to know me.. so with girls I'd have no chance because I know social status is important! But she did acknowledge that I'm a nice person, just 'not right for her'...
As for school, I did well at GCSE, coming out with 10A's, but now I've dropped two A-levels and I'm struggling to keep up with the ones I've kept with. I hate sixth form, I feel like giving up, I've had U's so far and I frankly don't care about my exams in January, I haven't started working for them yet and don't intend to. I think I am depressed, but unlike you I don't seem to be able to just get myself up as I have nothing to do it with, people around me always let me down. I don't seem to be able to have fun, and I have nothing to look forward to because when I do it always gets cancelled and i become miserable again... If I was happy before the relationship, I'd have been fine now, but it's just brought it all back..
Sorry for the huge post guys, I've been busy at work for the past couple of days (and the next 9 coming up) so not had time to reply but thanks SO MUCH for your support, I really feel like I can open my heart to you guys, like you're always there, and you give good and honest advice from your past experience, it means so much and without it I wouldn't have got through which is seeming to be a difficult experience for me! I will reply to all of you later on
![Smile :) :)]()