Sophos9 - Planted Tank Journal

It looks great. :good:

You could also try having a break in the middle of the day for about an hour, where the ligths go off. This can interfere with algae growth and may help prevent it slightly. It is known as a siesta. Migth help...



Hi Mike, thanks for the compliment!! Makes it feel worth it despite all the problems... Should have added I have once again introduced a two hour siesta so lights on 9:30, off 14:30 on 16:30 off 21:30 - total of 10hrs

Am introducing 60 fast growing stems this week, should help!! :crazy:
Have you had any ideas on which fish to add to the tank? ( maybe it is time to add algae eaters; if you haven't already! )

I notice you have a structured background that seems to be attracting hair algae. Have you thought of removing the background? I have found that this type of algae favours certain things to attach itself to, and if you remove them the algae doesn`t make a come back.

My 120l had this type of algae on a Juwel background and my Egeria Densa, so I binned both and the battle was won. I do still get a bit of nuisance hair algae on my filter outflow, but I can`t bin that. It is at easily managed levels now, though. I give the outflow a quick clean once every two weeks.

Have you had any ideas on which fish to add to the tank? ( maybe it is time to add algae eaters; if you haven't already! )


Hi, I have a clean up crew - 2 BN plecs, 4 Otto's and 4 Amano Shrimp.... Do you think I need more?
I notice you have a structured background that seems to be attracting hair algae. Have you thought of removing the background? I have found that this type of algae favours certain things to attach itself to, and if you remove them the algae doesn`t make a come back.

My 120l had this type of algae on a Juwel background and my Egeria Densa, so I binned both and the battle was won. I do still get a bit of nuisance hair algae on my filter outflow, but I can`t bin that. It is at easily managed levels now, though. I give the outflow a quick clean once every two weeks.


Hi, yep that seems to be true.... I have not thought about removing it because it cost so much and I do like it but this may have to be an option if all else fails!
Fingers crossed!

Came home tonight and guess what.... NO CO2 being diffused, screaming I pulled open the cabinet door expecting to see another empty bottle however it just needed turning up - what a mare!

Anyway the Excel was dispatched today, I conducted a 20% water change and have macro nutrients KN03 and KH2P04 being delivered, can anyone suggest a dosage (lighting about 1.8WPG), with the news stems coming this week, its essential the plants get all the boost they can!
I notice you have a structured background that seems to be attracting hair algae. Have you thought of removing the background? I have found that this type of algae favours certain things to attach itself to, and if you remove them the algae doesn`t make a come back.

My 120l had this type of algae on a Juwel background and my Egeria Densa, so I binned both and the battle was won. I do still get a bit of nuisance hair algae on my filter outflow, but I can`t bin that. It is at easily managed levels now, though. I give the outflow a quick clean once every two weeks.


Hi, yep that seems to be true.... I have not thought about removing it because it cost so much and I do like it but this may have to be an option if all else fails!

I don't think that it is going to be your background that is contributing to the problem. I have the same 'rock' background in my 30g (see below) which has been up and running for 2 months now and there is no algae on it. I filled the tank with fast growing stems from the outset and apart from a brief outbreak of brown algae during the first weeks (which my otos enjoyed!) have had no algae problems (fingers, toes and everything else crossed). Like you, I think the background rocks (excuse the pun!) and looks great when the plants have grown up in front of it. My advice is to get the fast-growers in and then just let them do the work for you - obviously CO2 and decent light is a must.


Thanks for the help...
Done a 40% water change today, the CO2 is sorted, added the recommended amount of Flourish Excel and added some macro nutrients, let see what happens :shifty:
lol , its getting expensive to get this plated thing to work I bet.....It has for me :crazy:
Dude, you aint kidding! Dont dare think how much I've spent now!

Fingers crossed that it all comes right... I kinda feel that I have everything sorted now and its just time now for everything to work :good:

You got any pix of your tank?

lol , its getting expensive to get this plated thing to work I bet.....It has for me :crazy:
I don't think that it is going to be your background that is contributing to the problem. I have the same 'rock' background in my 30g (see below) which has been up and running for 2 months now and there is no algae on it.

My background was a magnet for hair algae like Sophos`. Once I had removed the magnet the battle was won. On the other hand, I rapidly grew to dislike my background, so removing it was an easy decision for me to make.

Dude, you aint kidding! Dont dare think how much I've spent now!

Fingers crossed that it all comes right... I kinda feel that I have everything sorted now and its just time now for everything to work :good:

You got any pix of your tank?

lol , its getting expensive to get this plated thing to work I bet.....It has for me :crazy:

no dont have a digital camera yet, news of late, im still battling algae tho :crazy:
I dunno if my co2 is coming out? it is connected to my rena canister , but I dont hear a little swoosh coming out of the spraybar . With my other canister, eheim I used to hear a swoosh

algae is the worse kind I have the green slime algae :crazy: :crazy: , I have added 20 combabas(spelling), anacharis, repens and some other fast growers to help , so far , Its too early to tell , only next wk I might see some results :shifty:

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