Thanks for all your comments.
Munroco said:
Looks great, very natural, how did your hair grass fare?
It didn't

. I bought it off a moderator on here, who then seemed to disappear suddenly, a bit like the hairs grass! I believe the issue was he took awhile to send it, and then stated he had cut it all back as it was tangled. I would say it was probably past its best!
Current stock list, which has changed a little over its lifetime...
- pair of red BN, regular breeders, so have an adolescent and a few youngsters at present
- Aldolfi Cories
- Beckford and Hockeystick Pencil Fish
- Lamp Eyes, look awesome in the planted tank
- Young Peacock Gudgeons x2 from some I bred
- Amano Shrimp
- Rabbit Snails
- Ramshorn snails, came in on plants!
- MTS snails, to turn over substrate - not keen on these since adding them! Anyone know how to remove them without adding Assassin snails? Looking for a non chemical option. Can only think of cucumber and syphon option at present. Finding they are getting into the filter and reproducing too fast for my liking.
Looking great since replacing the old T8 unit with a T5. Pictures to follow, once sorted for photobucket.
Replaced a spray bar with an Eheim Lily Pipe.
Fertilising the plants plus adding liquid C02.