Thanks all for your patience, and encouragement, yet again
Firstly I will answer the questions posted since my last update:
@ greenmumma - What kind of plants are you thinking?
To be honest I have a whole list of plants I like and have yet to decide so am open to any suggestions. If you look at the original entry for this journal you will see some of the plants I have been considering. I will update the journal with my shortlist when I have chance to peruse my options. In the meantime I have added some hairgrass that I bought from the TFF (picture to follow).
@ DerpPH - Did you get carpet plants? For your plants I would like to suggest glosso and taiwan moss for your setup. Great tank btw!
Thanks for the suggestions and comments.
GLOSSOSTIGMA ELATINOIDES / GLOSSO – I like the look of this plant, however, it says it needs very high light levels, so not sure if my current lighting will be suitable? Do you have any experience with growing this plant, and can provide any tips?
TAIWAN MOSS / Taxiphyllum alternans – I reckon this would look great as a wall, either on the right side, or the back wall, or both. It also grows fast apparently, and requires medium light. It appears it grows faster in Co2 tanks, but at this stage I am not planning Co2, so it will still grow but not as fast. Can anyone recommend a good source?
eaglesaquarium said:
This has been a lot of fun to read through... very thorough photo journal RCA!
I'm kind of surprised that no one else has mentioned it yet, so I will... Those pieces of wood!!!! Its a good thing that you're on the other side of the pond, or else I'd be sneaking into your house to steal them! They look AMAZING!
I can't wait to see the finished product! (BTW, what fish are you planning to stock? And what input will you allow your nephew, "the gravel washer"?)
however, I have a killer cat guarding and waiting to pounce on anyone attempting to steal from my tanks
Seeing the finished product, me too, can't wait, but am having to, due to all my other maintenance tasks.
If you look at the original entry for this journal you will see some of the fish I have been considering.
In respect to my nephew...
He often says, why did you not wait for me to fill the tank?
My response is ""you were not in the mood the last two times you came".
He actually prefers going out on the Tandem or taking photos.
So, he can have input, however, I find he is a ...
'I have to be in the mood fishkeeper', therefore you may never see it finished if I waited for him to be in the mood.
Now to work on those updated pictures for you all to see.