Setting Up The 29g. Totally Psyched I Have Saltwater In My Living Room

Lovely zoas and the paly is a blinder!!!
Lovely piece of rock as a back bone for your reef , jealous,lol..

Also highly reccomend growing macro algaes for nutrient absorbtion..being sumpless i simply grow algae at the surface of my second chamber,although 24 hr light on it would be better. These fuges ran on miracle mud are excellent !!

Thanks. I like my zoa's n paly to. I hope they don't grow so fast they'll become a pita though. That's the one thing that's been in the back of my mind.

I have a flameback in my 24g nano and it hasn't touched any corals I would recommend
one highly they are a beautiful fish

I'm thinking that I'll try one eventually :)
Don't think my clown goby is going to live much longer... look at him

old pic

new pic

Goby was a little more yellow yesterday.

Added 3 blue leg hermits today. They are only a $1 at my lfs. Scarlet's are $3.



Clown has some white junk on her. Not ich...maybe bacterial or fungal. Going to do some selcon/garlic for now.



omg the poor little Yellow Clown Goby :( :( i hope she/he makes it :(

and looks like a fungus on the clownfish =/

Hope all gets better; keep us updated :)
I guess I forgot to mention it on here. I've put it on my local reef club. She had a white fuzzy substance on her cheek and then it developed in her mouth. Happened fairly quickly. The other fish seem fine apart from the ycg's white coloration the other day. He hasn't been that color since. Now he's more of a light yellow. I did water tests and all parameters were good, however I did find a dead snail that was poofed up and was disgusting looking. It was an astraea. I suppose that could have been giving off ammonia even though the test showed 0. It would still be lingering for a tid bit in the water colomn before getting processed maybe?

One of the lrc guys is selling me some of his selcon and garlic additives. That'll be good for them.




I got my clowns on June 25th so about 3 weeks.
thx it sucks. At this point I don't know if I'll ever replace her eventually or just move forward with the existing stock.
Did you get them direct from ORA or was there an inbetween person?? If there was, I would change that in between person.

Yes I think when you got them I asked if ORA were like TMC.
One of my lrc members put in a giant order (secret way) . This fish was still in the bag when I picked it up. I picked it up that afternoon that it was delivered. It could not have possibly gotten anything from his tank b/c it wasn't out of the bag until it arrived at my house.

I hope my other clown makes it and my other fish don't get it :( Would be horrible. If that happened I'd go fishless for awhile and focus on the coral aspect.

I'm going to add selcon and garlic to their food. Picking it up hopefully Friday from a lrc member.
Thats unsual KJ, I can only speak for TMC stock of course but when TMC stock lands in the shops around here it is usually in excellent health and looking very good. I have seen some go downhill in the shops but it seems to me these are usually wild caught fish not captive bred. Then there are shops where even if they purchase good stock, you can see that the time in the shop is telling on the health of the fish.

Just wondered if there may have been a problem you could have avoided for next time.

I am sure boosting the remaining fishes immune systems is a good idea.

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