Sal Goes Rio With A Bit Of Vision

Dora is here :yahoo: :hyper:

Right, I have an idea in my head but don't know if I can pull it off especially without using Co2. I would love to create an Iwagumi inspired tank to have a total contrast to my Mopani wood tank, but I will not be using a grass plant and there will be more than one shoal of fish. Could I still call it an Iwagumi tank? I would go with the principles of odd numbers of rocks, all the same rock, triangle shapes etc., but yes the flora and fauna would be a bit different to the strict guidelines.
Oooh, ok. Now that is definitely worth considering then. Would something like Suesswassertang work? Love that plant.
Oooh, ok. Now that is definitely worth considering then. Would something like Suesswassertang work? Love that plant.
From the quick research I've just done it doesn't grow very well without CO2, "it just survives" so trying to achieve as carpet could be quite a challenge
Most mosses are easy and undemanding anyway. Might as well use one that grows more horizontal to start with.

Pellia would look great too.
Thanks both for all those suggestions. :good: What would I do without you? ;)

I am not too keen on java, but I really like weeping moss and pellia.

Right, Iwagumi scape for the second tank it is then. Now I just have to find suitable rock, will go to a few garden centres this weekend.
A bit of a Friday morning cheer up :)

One happy boy :lol:




He is playing in it right now, pretending it's a dinosaur zoo :rolleyes:
Yes, boxes and children mix well. Ha ha, and cats :)

Although to be honest, after his tantrum last night and refusing to go to sleep I was tempted to pack him in it and send him to Timbuktu. It's a good job he is cute ;)
Commencing painting round 2


Note - my son is still playing in his box. Mummy was nice and even cut a door into it. Anything for some peace and quiet and a hot coffee :shifty:

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