New Tank Opinion/ Rec & Question

Hi Fishkeeper. I only have the one tank, and do not have any plans for getting a new one. i have had these 4 clown loaches since they were small 15 years ago. Two of them are probably about 7 inches in length, and the other two about 5 inches. They seem happy and contented, and I assume they are not under stress as their orange and black stripes are very colourful and vibrant. They would surely lose their colour somewhat if they were stressed. They are also 15 years of age.
I don’t know as never kept them but know they can reach 30cm which is too big for a 180l. An expert will be able to give a better verdict but personally a fish that has to be kept in a group in a metre long tank which is 25-30cm=👎 Sorry @underthesea1 for mentioning this in your thread. I live in the south west so water is neutral but my friend lives in a hard water area and is keeping electric blue rams, cherry barbs, a few dwarf rainbows. Which seem to be doing okay. His 3 lined cories haven’t done so well but that might be because of supplier.:) I think water parameters makes a difference but a lot of popular species have adapted as long as you don’t buy wild fish which Maidenhead aquatics don’t normally do.:)
Thanks Angie

I guess my concern is having fish thrive over just dealing with the conditions they’re in.

Your probably more experienced than I am so I want to stick with fish that I know as a beginner I can definitely manage and care for :)

I’ve got a few more cords totallly six in totally bow and kept two mollys and one guppy.

Will consider adding formal rainbow fish once I’ve set up my new tank and it’s settled!

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