It's a close call. Maybe I should even consult the man of the house, he has to look at it day in day out

He shares the hobby, but he always says "you do what you want to do anyway and what your forum friends suggest" - sounds about right
Haven't got plants yet, but a quick general stocking list subject to changes. Those are the fish I currently have in the 4ft tank. Currently I am thinking of splitting them this way, but happy to take any suggestions. Not sure for example about the sailfin mollies and the venezuelan cories, they could go in either tank. Well, actually they could all go in either tank so probably a lot will be changed around.
Rio 180 possible stocking
2 bristlenose plec (Bob & Marley

9 harlequin rasboras - thinking of upping the shoal to 15
6 platies (1m 5f)
1 swordtail
10 kuhli loaches
2 albino cories - yes I know they would be happier in a big shoal, but honestly I know those two. Had them for ages, they are inseparable.
Possibly I'll keep 3 of my guppies, but not keen on their fin nipping antics anymore...
Rio 125 possible stocking
2 dwarf gouramis - nice pair always together
3 sailfin mollies (1m 2f)
1 molly (got him as a freebie when he was a baby and slipped into the bag)
8 neon tetras - again thinking of upping the shoal to 15
10 venzuelan orange cories
Oh, and I also want to add otos somewhere as I love them.
What do you think?