Sal Goes Rio With A Bit Of Vision

Ok, now here goes. I placed the litter and wood into the tank. I tried building arches and create a pretty scape. But I am not 100% sure yet. Maybe it is the lack of planting, or maybe my hardscape just looks rubbish. It's so hard to judge when it's your own tank. Could you please be honest and tell me what you think and if something could be improved? Is it too much wood? Too little? Just right? There will be two bristlenoses, so I hope they'd appreciate it.



I really like the hardscape here, although I think the piece of wood lying down across the middle looks wrong. Remove that and it'll look perfect (IMHO) :good:
I think initially the scape looks good but there are a couple things such as the space availble for planting? Looks like there is no space for any background plants, i would consider keeping it similar but stacking it a little more, get aquaium silicone if they wont rest on each other :good:
looking really good, I agree with Mcbenthy about the middle wood but apart from that I'd say you are ready to roll. Definitely going to watch this thread.
Thanks all for your input :good:

Will have a fiddle round later and take some shots. I have to wait until it is dark to get better pictures. Will try it without the middle bit and then try stacking more on top of each other. Good point about background plants, I would really struggle getting them in.
I find it takes me ages to get hardscape right. I've found my perfect layout with my tank now but it's nothing like I first envisaged. I do find playing with it outside of the tank is helpful.
I'm the same, I stare at it for ages and think something isn't right but it takes many trials and errors to get it right. I suppose I got a few weeks of messing around with the hardscape as I will be doing a fish-less cycle. I tried playing outside the tank (see pics in the shop) but couldn't really recreate it at home.
I find hardscapes are a real pain because you are lacking the plants around it. I really really like the left hand side, have some swords/crypts hidden behind the first arc and creeping over the top...

I would even suggest that 'background' plants would be a waste of the arches you have there. I'd prefer to see some moss on the top of the wood, along with plants tied to it (java ferns or anubias). The elevation will give them the background feel, and you won't lose the riverbank/cave feel.

Personally, I would plant heavily on the left with the wood acting as a foreground/midground break, and have it taper out to the back and right with the entire back and front right having plants and moss on top (plants at the back left, weaping moss on the back right archway and phoenix moss on the front right wood).

That gives you a path effect from the front left 'cove' to the back right archway (some small plants to the front right corner).

This hardscape will thrive on hidden gems, little tufts of plants and life around corners :good:

*may have to steal a similar scape for my 250L now* :drool:
Thanks, McBenthy, really good suggestions. :good: My son is going to bed soon and then I will play around a little and see what I can come up with.
Hey you! Stop being so galldarn sneaky! I only just spotted this thread :)
*waves to AA*

Welcome to the madhouse ;)

I had a play around and I think I managed to create something really good. Pictures later, it's still a little cloudy after messing around and the sun is still shining. One could think it was summertime :rolleyes:
I like where you are going with the wood. Maybe you can stack them more so you have space to plant? You'll be uprooting everything in a few weeks when you want background plants.

Me too, AA. Just stumbled on it.
I like where you are going with the wood. Maybe you can stack them more so you have space to plant? You'll be uprooting everything in a few weeks when you want background plants.

Me too, AA. Just stumbled on it.

That's what I just did :hey: :nod: I basically built a cool arch / cave thingy on the whole of the right hand side and a bit on the back and the left and middle is more or less empty ready for plants. Will have pictures in the next hour, promise. The child is still awake *sigh* but he should be ready for bed soon and then I can properly snap away.
Glad I had such an influence on your tank. :)

Looking good so far, but I feel you need some height.
Thanks again, minnnt. You really inspired me.

I know, the height is my big worry too. I was hoping to find a bigger piece that would stand out and go up, but nothing.

Anyway, I got some more pictures. Sorry about the cloudiness, that low dust cat litter is not low dust.

For comparison I got a few shots:

The original that we agreed on had a silly piece in the middle

Without the middle piece

That didn't look right, so I turned the wood piece on the front left around and I added the original piece to the right hand side arch

Then, wanting to try something else I had a complete re-shuffle and ended up with this, which is currently my favourite. The focal point is the right hand side, I got more height in it. The left hand side can be used for lots of planting. Also, from where I am sitting right now in the kitchen, I can see the focal point very nicely, so even from the other room it gives me a nice view.

The new right hand side arches (sorry for cloudiness) - some plants could go into some of the niches and things like java moss on wood

New middle bit

Left hand side open planned

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