Sal Goes Rio With A Bit Of Vision

Hm, tempting tempting. Do you work during the week? Might come up again but on a weekday as we got nothing else to do because he decided to fracture his foot. They are not ordering until Monday, so could cancel my order no problems.

Will see if I can locate the plant now online and then sleep a night on the BNs. Really not sure yet. I actually want pictus catfish with the malawis and returning the two BN would mean I could get a nice handful of them.
Yeah i work Monday - Friday.

You would be better off with Petricola or Multipunctatus in the Malawi tank rather than BN's or Common Plecs.
You would be better off with Petricola or Multipunctatus in the Malawi tank rather than BN's or Common Plecs.

Or the pictus that I have already eyed up and that the guy had in his malawi tank where I got my first batch from :shifty:

I have actually read some horror stories about malawis and any plecs, like eyes being bitten out and the likes. Then again, I know many others keep them together. So at the moment I really don't know what to do yet. Bar the pictus, I definitely want them.

You working people, pah! I think we'll leave it til August then, will definitely come up one more time in the summer holiday.

And then I have to work Mon - Fri :sad: I want another tax return. Or a lottery win. Or an inheritance, don't care.
You won't ever have any fry with Pictus. :D They will munch any fry that get released by mother.

Petricola FTW!!!!
I got enough fry with my platies tbh. I just want my money back for the BN IF I decide to keep them, which I'm going to sleep on cause it's bedtime.

Pictus AND Petricola? :hey: (And ditch the plecs)
Minnnt, I'm coming :hyper:

Called Wharf and they are ordering me pitbull plecos in. They will have them next weekend or the weekend after, so we can meet up there :)

Just caught the BN and on my way to return them and exchange them for pictus, as I REALLY wanted them for my malawi tank.
:crazy: Dang. I wanted the pair! But Im in the US so, your just a loser. :p

I took back Bn's once cause the pooped to much. Now I have 3 babies. They better be cool.
Did you get the Pictus? :rolleyes:

Interesting article in PFK this month advising that Petricola and Multipunctatus are a better option for a Malawi tank. :whistle:
Can I hear a whistle? Can I? Nah, must be my old age and me imagining things...

I was lucky the shop took them back, never noticed the big sign where it says that they don't take back unwanted fish :blush: It's a good job they know me and know that I spend many £££ there. Got my pictus in exchange and I LOVE them :wub:

So, pitbulls in the Rio 125 soon and I still have to think what to do with the common plecs in the malawi tank. Need to find a good home, but would also like my money back for them as I only just got them.
The problem is that they require different water to Malawi's though.

Oh dear :( But couldn't the same be said regarding BN or common plecs then? They don't like high ph :unsure:

I managed to locate my vivipara at plants alive for a good price. I'm just confused on how much to get.

Here is the link It says "plants to numerous to count so sold in small or large bunches" but then they give you the option of buyin 25 / 5 / bunch or potted. Which one to go for? Would 25 give me 25 small bunches???
Vivipara is ordered! Just spoke to PlantsAlive, 25 means 25 small bunches, so more than enough to cover the whole back of my Oomigoomi tank.
Wahooie! Exciting! That tank you posted was drool worthy - looking forward to seeing how you get on! :D I'm desperate to buy more plants *sigh*
Which tank? There are too many :lol:

I will definitely have a bigger update by the end of the week, I'm getting there. Weeping moss and flame moss growing nicely by the window, I can really see a difference now. Should be safe to put it back soon and then with the new plants it will all hopefully come together.

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