Sal Goes Rio With A Bit Of Vision

Get a trio of SAE's if you can, i have two and they are never, ever apart. They are <3
Just back from LFS and they ordered them. I hope I made myself clear enough which ones I wanted, because first he wrote down siamese loach. Told him to write down exactly what they were called and the true ones. Let's wait and see if they get them in. I only ordered two though. Should I ask for more?

I was tempted to get a proven breeding pair of BN, but they were £35. And I got BN in the other tank. But they were soooo cute together :wub:

pitbulls.LDA025 ?

Oooh, also sound interesting. Any more info? Solitary? Pair? Group? Max size?

get to be about 2-3".Do decent job of algae eating.Better as always in groups, at least 3
Got couple from 3N's, for my parents tank.They've done well.
P @ H sell them for a reasonable price if you can find them.
Just something a bit different to Oto's.Bit bulkier, less fussy.
Thanks Stu!

I must admit, I am at the moment still thinking about that proven pair of BN. They were so cute how they were together. I know they will do a fine job of keeping the tank clean and once they have babies I would make my money back in no time by selling them. Is it worth paying £35 for them? Tempted to go out and get them. Why are they so cute?!? :)
So are you telling me to get them? :hey: I got BN in the other tank, hence I originally wanted something different, but they are sooooo cute :wub:
Oh totally forgot to say. Got myself some new plants for the Oomigoomi tank. It's Eleocharis parvula and looks beautiful around the rock! Moss is still growing on the window sill, so for now those are the only plants.

And you know what, if someone had told me a year ago when I started keeping fish, that a year on I would be googling "eleocharis parvula iwagumi" I would have laughed at them. Funny how much I have learnt through this forum and how much my fish keeping experience has expanded. :nod:

If you like em then get em!

Will speak to the man now, he is paying :D :) :hyper: :fun: :lol: :hey:
Planted question: Just found a taller version of my new plant and I think it would look great at the back behind all the moss. It's Eleocharis vivipara. Does it grow without Co2? If yes, I'll get myself some.

Would look great, if it grows like this in my tank.
oh wow, what a gorgeous tank! I hope you can get it!

The plant, I mean...

Grammar fail.

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