Sal Goes Rio With A Bit Of Vision

Oooh, what a great decision this was! I have just watched them, and the little ones are following Albert and Alfred all around. And I think I can see something that resembles courting behaviour! Yay! I might have my first non-livebearer babies soon :hyper: On that note - I have just discovered four platy babies, they are already very orange in colour, swimming around with the others and big enough not to be eaten. Seriously, those fish have only been in for about two weeks and they are already breeding. I don't even know who the mummy is as none of the females is orange :unsure: Need to check the filter tonight in case there are some sucked up babies swimming around in the sponges.
Ian, are you still watching? Look at the ordeal I am going through to grow some weeping moss :good:


As I still haven't managed to get a video sorted (I know :rolleyes: ) a few more pictures to keep you entertained.

Love my new cories!

Albert and Alfred with one of the newbies

Albert looking after his little brother/sister

And a Venezuelan cory has joined with a little one

Very blurry as had to zoom to get something, but can you see the baby platy?
It was really great watching them last night, all those white spots zooming across the tank :)

Thanks for the update and the great pictures! Now with the 3rd tank, it does become a bit confusing though... :blink:

It's simple:

Tank 1 - Rio 180 - wood and community fish
Tank 2 - Rio 125 - rock and other community fish
Tank 3 - Vision 260 - malawi

Simples :lol:
If there is a salty tank (still not sure, got an empty 45l sitting upstairs) then it will be after September when I start my new job so I have the running money to keep it going.
Don't feel bad Salam. I laugh at childish things too. I am the American moron who named myself Fish Fanny when I first joined the forum after all. Yes, by accident. I knew there was something I was forgetting about the word fanny when I did it though. :p

I was going around offending people all day hehe
Never heard of those, looks interesting. Does it speed up the process by any chance? It's like watching paint dry at the moment.
my java moss did grow somewhat slowly on the window fully submerged. the neat thing is the bowl is full of green algae, so I am putting it in for the otos. :p
I'm sure I'll get there. Someday *sigh*

My otos will go mad over algae, I suppose it's a bonus for them.

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