It's time for a massive picture update! I tried getting a picture of every member of the family. I apologize for the quality of some of the pictures. The normal camera is pants and is really bad at focussing, so I used a video camera for most of them, but the pixels are rubbish. But at least I have some non blurry shots.
Let's start with a FTS.
Albert and Alfred, my two inseparable albino cories. I will get them some friends in the future.
One of my Venezuelan cories. FOTM winner?
Bob, the baby bristlenose plec, he is still shy hence only one picture.
Marley, my blue eyed L144. He is a bit more adventurous.
Notice the sailfin, I'll get back to them later
Harlequins have found their corner on the top right hand side.
My guppy ladies next. First of all my favourite, hairy Hillary. We call her hairy, because of her extremely long fin that looks like hair.
Lottie, my pretty snakeskin. I had her from baby on, couldn't believe how pretty she turned out to be.
Mary, another pretty snakeskin
Time for the platies. First the boy, Paul. He rules the tank (and gets all the ladies preggers

Stella, my only swordtail
Anyone else think of "This is my sister Flo" from Nemo?!
And last but definitely not least my crazy sailfin mollies and possibly 'normal' molly (he jumped into the bag as fry). Those four are seriously nutters. As soon as I get near the tank they stick their faces right to me. They nibble my fingers when I do maintenance and they are simply fun to watch. So much personality

Got them as tiny fry and they are growing really nicely. And they always jump in front of the camera when I try to take pictures (as seen with Marley), but as soon as I want to take a picture of them, they obviously don't stay still...
Sunny, my common molly (I think)
The sailfin trio - Max, Sophie and Lucy
I hope you enjoyed meeting my gang in the Rio 180 tank. Photos of the other will follow shortly and videos tomorrow.