Planted Juwel Rio 180

Yep :D :lol: :lol:

The adapters are ~£6. Worth it IMO... and have a handy cutout if they're not in contact with water :shifty: made for useless people like us LOL
Oh dear lol didntbyou hear it cracking first? I don't it on my first ever water change and could hear crackling then I thought s********************** my heater! Lol
Pictures :D only a few mind...

This is the lily that Kyle sent me :), you can also see the crypt retrospiralis down there too (this is where I had to pick the glass out from :crazy:)

Left hand side, as you can see I had a load of christmas moss going after removing it from a piece of wood which I put in the 240, so I tied it to these stones which were just sitting in my cupboard. Really looking forward to it when it thickens up :nod:

Purple emperor tetras (I blame minnnt for these!), sorry it's blurry, they would not stay still! This was the best one I could get!

FTS. Still deciding what to do with the right side, at the moment it has staurogyne that Steveo sent me... this is in need of some serious TLC so it's spread out quite a bit. Am hoping it perks up. I also swapped the inlet and outlet when I changed filters: outlet is now on the left.
Looks good cazzie, i like the wood with the moss on. Are you going to let it cover more of the wood ?

The stones with moss will look great when they grow in.

You have to love moss :)

It doesn't stay very well on the big piece, it is slowly covering more of the back, but not so much round the front. I keep thinking I need to strip it all off and completely redo it.

The bit of wood in the middle on the floor of the tank I want to strip all the christmas moss off that and get some fissidens on it :drool: but it's going to have to wait until I can afford to splash out a bit on plants.
Thumbs up for fissidens. EXTREMELY slow growing even near the top in mine but it looks superb nonetheless.
Looking lovely Caz... i will also give :good: for the fissidens... really has to be the nicest moss around.
It doesn't stay very well on the big piece, it is slowly covering more of the back, but not so much round the front. I keep thinking I need to strip it all off and completely redo it.

The bit of wood in the middle on the floor of the tank I want to strip all the christmas moss off that and get some fissidens on it :drool: but it's going to have to wait until I can afford to splash out a bit on plants.

May have some Fissidens to donate soon, its taking off in Cuban Delight big time, started out with a tiny amount and its spreading everywhere now and needs trimming weekly. How much do you need?
About a hand's worth. As in, spread your fingers out - about that much! :lol: about 6 x 6 inches probably to cover that bit of wood. I'm not in a rush, so don't worry about it :good:
Well I'll save some up lol, that much would cost a small fortune from plants alive.

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