
er. thats not what i sed at all.

i sed oscars and parrots (all cichlids infact) are known to be aggressive. even if not at first, as they grow old/bigger something changes.

i jus warned you about that and thats wht i sed u should have the 4ft tank ready for!!!

i never said you couldnt keep them 2geva either.

i sed I DIDNT THINK you could keep them together.

EDIT - and 3 oscars and 3 parrots in one tank is asking for a bloodbath.
well i keep them together along with my parrots and plec all have been fine for a long time so it just goes to show it aint all true what ppl say about fish ,, unless you keep them and tried and have the patients and alot of other tanks i suppose you would never ever know ,,

thanks for youre comments

and the worst fish that i have ever had a problem with has been a sword tail a community fish in a community tank and alot of people would say that they aint aggresive but belive you me he is 1 nast swordtail ,, he puts all oscars and parrots to shame with his aggresive ways ..
hate ,,,,,,,,,, noooooo i dont hate ... lol

samuk ,,, what kind of fish do u keep ?
ive had sand b4 its a load of rubbish ... the tank has plenty of room in there its a good 5x2x2
hate ,,,,,,,,,, noooooo i dont hate ... lol

samuk ,,, what kind of fish do u keep ?

most of my fish are listed below. its a lil out of date tho.

i jus bought my oscar last friday. awesome fish, hes great!

EDIT - damnit i jus realised theres no fish listed below LOL. forgot i changed my sig.

erm i have a 80 Gallon community tank with angels, plattys, rams, kribs, clowns, RTBS all that sort of thing.

then ive got a 55 gallon malawi cichlids tank, a hex with a few random tetras, a male ram and a male krib in and a 40 Gallon tank which houses my oscar till in a few weeks when i get a big tank for him.
what size is ure oscar ,, have u any pics

cool ..u will have to get some pics up ,,,
hes probably about 6".

this is the only pic i have, hes only jus settled in properly and i dont have my digi cam so i had to use my phone.

awwwwww he has some lovelly red in him ,.., wait till he gets bigger he will look superb
hahahahah , yeah u might not like my stocking now but in a few days it will all be diffrent .... i have another 5x2x2 coming next week i think thats going to be a community tank and malawi will be moved tomorrow ,, unless i re home him as i dont keep malawis and as the oscars grow big they will all have a tank to themselfs
thats great to hear!

its kewl to see someone actually do something about it rather than ignore ya and carry on.

and i dont mean to be a *****! honest lol.

Yeah its is good the most annoying, thing for me is ppl with the worlds worst stocking lists who say "Im getting a biger tank next month" i know some people who say this tell the truth but there are alot who totoally wont get a new tank and ignore the advice given.
ive had sand b4 its a load of rubbish ... the tank has plenty of room in there its a good 5x2x2

Whats wrong with sand? im just curious as i may get sand for my aquarium.

I stand corrected then, your fish make the tank look smaller, maybe if you put a credit card in the pic, we could see the scale. Good luck with your fish! They look great!

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