Melatonin is found in sour cherries and eating a small bowl of them at night about 30 minutes before bed can help you get to sleep.
Exercise can help with depression. Exercise helps produce serotonin, which is a happy chemical that most anti-depressant medications try to slow the absorption of (SSRI's - serotonin selective reuptake inhibiters). By exercising for at least an hour a day (preferably before lunchtime), you produce serotonin and the SSRI's help slow the removal of this chemical from your body and brain. This helps you feel a little better throughout the day because you have more serotonin for longer.
Lots of plant matter in your diet can also help boost serotonin levels because the beneficial bacteria in our gut produce it and they like plant matter. A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar each day also helps the good bacteria by providing them with acetone, which they need to live. You can put it on chips or mix it with a small glass of sugar water and drink it.
If you have normal LED or compact fluorescent light globes in the house, they probably have a 6500K rating (cool globe) and these have more blue light in than warm globes (3000-4500K). You want blue light in the morning and during the day so a 6500K globe in the morning is good to wake you up and help with depression. However, at night you want warm globes (they look yellow when running) with the lower Kelvin rating so it simulates sunset and tells your mind and body its getting close to bed. You can use a desk lamp with a warm globe in for the evening and have a cool globe in the ceiling light fixture for the day.
Turn lights down in the evening to help make it feel like it's getting darker, which is what happens at night

But less light at night will help your body clock think it's time for bed.
Windows 10 computer operating system allows you to adjust the Kelvin (temperature) of the screen. I have mine set at 6500K during the day and at 7pm I get it to switch to 3000K. It stays at 3000K until 9am then goes up to 6500K. This way I am not being kept awake in the evening by the monitor putting out heaps of blue light. And during the day the blue light from the monitor helps me wake up and feel less like killing myself.
Don't have a big meal before bed. Don't watch an action packed, fast moving picture before bed. Don't watch horror movies before bed. Don't play computer games that are full of action, sounds and bright lights flashing about because these help keep you awake. Don't use your phone (except to make a phone call) before bed.
I watch television before bed and fall asleep within minutes of watching it. I make sure the timer is set to turn it off 20-30 minutes later. I try to watch something boring like the news or a gardening show. Have the volume down low so you can hear it but it's not loud. Turn the room light off, lay down, close your eyes and just fall asleep. If the show is boring (not exciting) and not loud, you can normally fall asleep easily. Having a tv on before bed can help clear bad thoughts running through your head and stop you having bad dreams.
Try to do the probate stuff yourself, with the help of others (bank, gov, community groups, etc) and if it gets too much, then pass it off to a lawyer. You don't need an advanced degree in maths, just go through things one day at a time and try to do it. There is a calculator on most mobile phones and all computers and they are good for adding and subtracting.

But personally I think $6500 is a bit much to go through someone's paperwork, but I don't like most lawyers either