Tsunamis overtakes 8 Countries

iv been to a beach, and iv been hit with big waves as a lil kid ( 5 footers ) they hurt on impact, that wave is roughly 100 feet....thats not very funny..

hey guys iv got the thing figured out, it wasn't an earthquake, it was aliens who done it :hyper: :fun: Read This
Don't get me wrong. There is a place in China that has a place for you to watch something like that as a tourist. I have see it in a document about China tour as a national park just like in the pictures. If I remember, it comes every hour. So tourists just come everyday, wait there and see the real wave hit onto the shore. Look at the pictures and you can see a lot of smilling face people running. :D
if I ever encounter those kind of big wave on me.....I would say to myself..."Let me be fish in my next life time" :p the first thing on my mind at that particular moment
Yeah, i noticed the people smiling. I didnt know it was a park or anything though, so i was like "What on earth are those guys thinking?!?!"


Even if that is the situation in those pictures, given the current state of events, it's still not very tactful :(

Imagine if after 9-11 people posted pictures of a crowd running away from collapsing buildings for a good laugh...not really in good taste :no:
It seems like offence to some people here so I think I better take out those pictures. I just share something I know so no hard feelings.
The State Department has received 26,000 inquiries about Americans who had not been heard from and was able to resolve about 18,000 cases by Monday, Ereli said. Since then, he said, the number of unresolved calls has been reduced to about 2,900.

Citing the privacy of families, Ereli declined to identify the 36 Americans presumed dead by name or in any other way, except to say none was a U.S. official.

I was speaking about this on another forum I post on and someone made the comment that "why should this concern me at all, it's not like it happened over here". That comment really made me sad, then made me think how selfish some people can be.

Even if 1 american did not die over there, or any 1 person of other nationality...this should affect each and everyone of us. It is the worst thing to happen to a human population, outside of a war, in the history of man this century...probably for several centuries. 130,000+ people is alot of life lost at the hands of a natural source.

I heard on the news this morning as I was leaving for work of a Washington family that survived. They were on Kyacks when it hit. I cannot imagine how lucky I would feel if I was spared like that, from the video they shot...they seemed to think so too.

Side note, did any of you see articles were there were few animal fatalities. The animals left the area...they knew it was coming. There is a reserve for elephants and not one elephant or leopard was found dead...they all escaped, the workers however, were not so lucky. :(
SRC said:
Side note, did any of you see articles were there were few animal fatalities. The animals left the area...they knew it was coming. There is a reserve for elephants and not one elephant or leopard was found dead...they all escaped, the workers however, were not so lucky. :(
It's true that there were few animal fatalities. Here's the article.

Experts: Tsunami Kills Few Animals

Wed Dec 29, 6:18 AM ET

By GEMUNU AMARASINGHE, Associated Press Writer

YALA NATIONAL PARK, Sri Lanka - Wildlife officials in Sri Lanka expressed surprise Wednesday that they found no evidence of large-scale animal deaths from the weekend's massive tsunami — indicating that animals may have sensed the wave coming and fled to higher ground.

An Associated Press photographer who flew over Sri Lanka's Yala National Park in an air force helicopter saw abundant wildlife, including elephants, buffalo, deer, and not a single animal corpse.

Floodwaters from the tsunami swept into the park, uprooting trees and toppling cars onto their roofs — one red car even ended up on top of a huge tree — but the animals apparently were not harmed and may have sought out high ground, said Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne, whose Jetwing Eco Holidays ran a hotel in the park.

"This is very interesting. I am finding bodies of humans, but I have yet to see a dead animal," said Wijeyeratne, whose hotel in the park was totally destroyed in Sunday's tidal surge.

"Maybe what we think is true, that animals have a sixth sense," Wijeyeratne said.

Yala, Sri Lanka's largest wildlife reserve, is home to 200 Asian Elephants, crocodile, wild boar, water buffalo and gray langur monkeys. The park also has Asia's highest concentration of leopards. The Yala reserve covers an area of 391 square miles, but only 56 square miles are open to tourists.

The human death toll in Sri Lanka surpassed 21,000. Forty foreigners were among 200 people in Yala who were killed.

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