Fish Herder
Your rocks will leak Nitrates for a while after you have moved them as well it might just be a matter of adding some purigen and watch the results try not to rush anything or add a few solutions at once as you might add a diffrent problem
I managed to get my biopellets just waiting on my reactor now will post results as it goes along alothough I am not sure how will it will go as my Nitrates are 10 and phosphates are .003 if I got these to 0 or untraceable on test kits I would be happy but time will tell

I managed to get my biopellets just waiting on my reactor now will post results as it goes along alothough I am not sure how will it will go as my Nitrates are 10 and phosphates are .003 if I got these to 0 or untraceable on test kits I would be happy but time will tell