Operation Marine 2.........now 3

O pics at the minute going to wait a few more days or even a week or so as runnng the purigen at the moment in my external and like morri said too many solutions at once could cause another issue.
Water change tested 0 nitrate again yesterday, tested tank just now and it's showing 100+ppm still even with purigen running. These nitrates are not moving. I am beginning to consider taking everything out scrubbing rock in saltwater and putting back in tank with fresh saltwater mix

Perhaps I've missed something in the thread, but have you gotten the nitrate readings knocked down from 100ppm in the tank since this post? I would've thought you'd see some unhealthy animals by this point if it really was that high. I think I read somewhere that you were using Salifert kits (although I can't re-find what I thought I read now), which I have never used myself, but I have seen other brands of nitrate and nitrite kits go haywire with the behavior you describe of 0 on tap or RO and high on tanks. Just a few months back I had an AP kit that gave me maxed out nitrate readings on the scale on all my fw and sw tanks (would've been something like 80+ppm all around if it was accurate) - but tap water still read zero. Normally you'd think that means it's working, but a new kit showed the types of readings I expected: 0 on tap, <10ppm on all sw, and <20ppm on all fw. Anyway, just thought I'd toss that out in case the readings are still that high and it hadn't been checked by a second batch of kits.
I was just interested in the size of the pellets :good:

Seffie x

They're reallysmall seffie were talkig no more than 5mm in length and 3mm wide I'll get a pic at some point over weekend for you.

Water change tested 0 nitrate again yesterday, tested tank just now and it's showing 100+ppm still even with purigen running. These nitrates are not moving. I am beginning to consider taking everything out scrubbing rock in saltwater and putting back in tank with fresh saltwater mix

Perhaps I've missed something in the thread, but have you gotten the nitrate readings knocked down from 100ppm in the tank since this post? I would've thought you'd see some unhealthy animals by this point if it really was that high. I think I read somewhere that you were using Salifert kits (although I can't re-find what I thought I read now), which I have never used myself, but I have seen other brands of nitrate and nitrite kits go haywire with the behavior you describe of 0 on tap or RO and high on tanks. Just a few months back I had an AP kit that gave me maxed out nitrate readings on the scale on all my fw and sw tanks (would've been something like 80+ppm all around if it was accurate) - but tap water still read zero. Normally you'd think that means it's working, but a new kit showed the types of readings I expected: 0 on tap, <10ppm on all sw, and <20ppm on all fw. Anyway, just thought I'd toss that out in case the readings are still that high and it hadn't been checked by a second batch of kits.

I have not got a second test kit yet, I did wonder I'd it wasfaulty but the other readings especiall the fresh salt mix one would persuade me to believe it was ok as it's comparing salt vs salt rather than flro vs salt.
I have not got a second test kit yet, I did wonder I'd it wasfaulty but the other readings especiall the fresh salt mix one would persuade me to believe it was ok as it's comparing salt vs salt rather than flro vs salt.

Still might still be worth getting it double-checked at an LFS just to rule out the kits as one source of strangeness (while avoiding forking out for new ones if yours are still good). It also wasn't a strictly fresh vs. salt issue in my case, since my established fw tanks showed up with massive nitrates using the same AP kit that read 0ppm on tap water.
Tested nitrate agin and it may have gone down slightly not quite the vivid purple it was a few days ago. Maybe the purigen is starting to work.

Phos is down to 0.003 which is good.
Did water change and nitrates are maybe slightly lower than 100ppm but not by much.

If purigen is working then god knows how high my nitrates are maybe I have too much flow going through the external for the purigen to work efficiently enough.
Well something is finally happening, wither the purigen is starting to make in roads or my nitrate eating bacteria have recolonised my rock after my rescape as nitrates are dropping. Tested today and it is around the 50-60ppm mark.

Interetsingly I have got some brown hair algae starting to grow on somme rocks. Think i will have to bring in some more CUC as my big hermit has decimated the majority of my original CUC.
We'll see as we all know the marine world can fool you all too easily!

On another nite I'm having to change my DI resin every 250-300l of water produced. Maye u never noticed it before because my water changes were smaller than what I currently do and my evaporation was lower too but it seems a little excessive to have tochange it that often. TDS after
Membrane is 8-9 input is 490+! but I run 10mins of wayer direct from membrane to waste before diverting through DI when it reaches 9 or lower.

Any ideas?
Tested nitrates the other day and try were bk up around 100 Mark..... It's really annoying me. The purigen doesn't seem to be working.

Have resurected the idea of amusing this tank and I'm on the lookout for a very good second hand 400 cabinet or might buy a new one. Then modify it to take a sump and bit stronger. Bit shaky on drilling the tank due to some cracking but it's a bit hit and miss whether you get tempered or normal float glass with juwel tanks.
Finally repaired my broken koralia 4 replacement impeller turned upmyesterday so it's now in the tank running behind/through the back of my cave just incase therenwas a dead spot in it contributing to nitrate issues.
It is with deep sorry that I must report that my copper band has died.

I came home on thuhrsday morning from work, having left him in his usual sleeping place to find my CB stuck against the intakes of my seio powerhead. I removed and placed in a small holding tank with some tank water, he was still alive gasping for air and obviously tired, god knows how long he had been stuck there the poor thing. Over a few hours i tried to revive him with added oxygen into the water but he did not improve and in the end I chose to end the suffering and euthanized him with clove oil.

He was feeding well on all sorts of frozen and pods in the tank but i have a feeling my tangs had started to force him out at feeding time but he was not thin at time of death. Water stats are fine ( apart from my nitrate still) but I don't see nitrate being the killer here....still dubious about test kit if I'm honest.

On another note, I'm going to Vegas next weds so I took today as an oppourtinuity to completely clean my skimmer, it's as new now. Intake tube is clear again so are the clear sections of the skimmer. Pump also cleaned.

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