I used to be indecisive but now I'm not so sure!
Cool, got a photo?
Seffie x
Seffie x
Water change tested 0 nitrate again yesterday, tested tank just now and it's showing 100+ppm still even with purigen running. These nitrates are not moving. I am beginning to consider taking everything out scrubbing rock in saltwater and putting back in tank with fresh saltwater mix
I was just interested in the size of the pellets
Seffie x
Water change tested 0 nitrate again yesterday, tested tank just now and it's showing 100+ppm still even with purigen running. These nitrates are not moving. I am beginning to consider taking everything out scrubbing rock in saltwater and putting back in tank with fresh saltwater mix
Perhaps I've missed something in the thread, but have you gotten the nitrate readings knocked down from 100ppm in the tank since this post? I would've thought you'd see some unhealthy animals by this point if it really was that high. I think I read somewhere that you were using Salifert kits (although I can't re-find what I thought I read now), which I have never used myself, but I have seen other brands of nitrate and nitrite kits go haywire with the behavior you describe of 0 on tap or RO and high on tanks. Just a few months back I had an AP kit that gave me maxed out nitrate readings on the scale on all my fw and sw tanks (would've been something like 80+ppm all around if it was accurate) - but tap water still read zero. Normally you'd think that means it's working, but a new kit showed the types of readings I expected: 0 on tap, <10ppm on all sw, and <20ppm on all fw. Anyway, just thought I'd toss that out in case the readings are still that high and it hadn't been checked by a second batch of kits.
I have not got a second test kit yet, I did wonder I'd it wasfaulty but the other readings especiall the fresh salt mix one would persuade me to believe it was ok as it's comparing salt vs salt rather than flro vs salt.