Did you test the Ph of the water in which the fish came in? And what is the Ph of your tank water now?
There's something majorly different between your tank water and the LFS water. If the cory is alive, then it can't be highly toxic as the cory would be long dead. Could it be anything in your own water supply, like contaminated pipes or water coming through some old storage tank...I don't know..
To keep the temperature up while drip acclimate, you can use a small heater set on the same temp as the tank once there's enough water in the container you are using to drip acclimate. Also, you can temporary add an air pump as if you acclimate for longer, the drip may not provide oxygen fast enough. Test for ammonia at some stage just in case. I wouldn't worry if the temperature goes down to 22 degrees and you have no heater, as most fish, especially guppies have no problem with that temperature. You can put the fish in a bag after you drip acclimate them to your water and float it in the tank for another 15-20 minutes to equal the temperature, just make sure there's air in the bag and enough surface area when you close it.
I recently purchased red rili shrimp and the Ph of the water they came in was 6.6, mine is 7.4 and they are still alive after 3 days and getting braver so it can be done, just do it slow and carefully.
I also drip acclimated 6 laser corys in March that came in very low Ph, can't remember but 6.2-6.4 and they are still alive 7 months after. I've got a 16L bucket. The fish normally come in around a litre of water. I acclimate until the bucket is full to the top so in my case that's 1:16 ratio bag water to tank water. With the laser corys I had to take out water from the bucket at some stage as they came with 3-4 litres of water and the Ph hadn't equaled when the water reached the top of my 16L bucket. I kept taking water out and testing until it read 7.4, and then in the tank they went.
Normally, my local LFS water has nearly the same Ph as mine with a few exceptions in specialized tanks, so I don't bother doing such a long acclimation for these and haven't had a problem.
Another possibility is, if you don't count the snails, that there's a disease in the tank that kills the other fish but doesn't affect corys. One example of such disease is ich, but then the fish don't die so quick from it and get white spots on their body but it's something to consider as a possibility.