Now With Test Pics!new Fish Added To My Tank Die Within 24 Hours..


Test ready.... :)
morning all.... :yahoo: hope your all fine and well...

well i went ahead and tested my 3 samples(after 15 hrs)....i wont write all individual results but they showed that the sample that had the plant bases in had higher KH and GH than tank and tap water AND the water sample is "murky"cloudy almost!
My tap and tank water results were pretty similar..only the tank water had more nitrates, and maybe a slight hint of a lower PH, therefore i am concluding that ebay plants are poop! :sly: :sly: :sly:

I also think my "decent" 40% waterchange yesterday has made the water in my tank....sparkle!! :hey: it looks clearer than yesterday. :hyper:

Im going to test tap water and the water and plant base water again at 24 hrs mark....but i think it will show more hardness in the plant base water anyway..... at least my tank water is more normal now, i just hope i can acclimate a tank buddy in the near future before cory thinks he got himself a 75 litre tank all to himself!! ill put him in a breeding trap to let any new fish settle in if i see him "bothering" them....

ill update with more results later..... claire d:D
Don't put the cory in a breeding trap, it will stress him a lot. If you are getting new corys they'll feel safer with the current one in the tank telling them the whole story :lol: Really, if anyone thinks a cory will stress new fish, just comment but that's definately not the case in my opinion.

heres a pic of the test results, YES i know strips are not as accurate as we'd like but hey....shoot me!..the pics not as clear as it was in reality but you can see the GH, KH and PH are all darker on the top strip than the other 2....thats the red, green and orange/pink results

as for the cory ive just read that they may chase "dying" fish.... i do want to keep the cory but id really like to have at least 1 other fish...if he chases a new cory then i may have to re think this cory staying...
You simply cannot rely on test strips to be accurate enough... a liquid based test kit really is your best bet, ESPECIALLY when testing for water hardness/softness.

thanks, but even to the naked eye i can see the plant bases have altered the sample of water...i knew it was them that messed up my tank water, after numerous WCs and removal of the dogy plants i think a drip acclimation for any new fish will see an end to this problem.... :)
as for the cory ive just read that they may chase "dying" fish.... i do want to keep the cory but id really like to have at least 1 other fish...if he chases a new cory then i may have to re think this cory staying...

Really like, where did you read a cory would chase a dying fish? Your cory chasing a new cory is socialising and happiness to see some of it's own kind. Do a proper research before you stress the only fish that's surviving in your tank.

This is taken from a scientific article:

They’re also very peaceful aquarium residents. Although they’ll consume bite-sized items such as eggs or fry, aggression towards other species is virtually unheard of.
as for the cory ive just read that they may chase "dying" fish.... i do want to keep the cory but id really like to have at least 1 other fish...if he chases a new cory then i may have to re think this cory staying...

Really like, where did you read a cory would chase a dying fish? Your cory chasing a new cory is socialising and happiness to see some of it's own kind. Do a proper research before you stress the only fish that's surviving in your tank.

This is taken from a scientific article:

They’re also very peaceful aquarium residents. Although they’ll consume bite-sized items such as eggs or fry, aggression towards other species is virtually unheard of.

im not saying it IS my cory but i dont think he "helped" the situation.... i shall video any interaction if/when i get new fish...
That link is laughable really. As you've read it yourself already, the people that commented on that forum just bought the new corys and obviously have no idea of their normal behaviour and have taken their social behaviour the wrong way. As the reply in the same thread says: "so this is a highly unusual situation" for corys.
Corys don't chase dying fish, they bump into anything that lies on the ground, including themselves but they don't suck on dying fish or eat them. So an unexperienced fish keeper may take that for "chasing a dying fish". In a few months you'll know what I am talking about.
It's your cory, so you can do as you please but do a proper research first, not from some newbie forum that has kept corys for an hour and says they are aggressive towards dying gourami, which in fact were already dying before they put the corys in. Sorry if I sound harsh but sometimes the stuff written by some people on forums is just ridiculous.
What's laughable is your unwavering insistence that corys would never approach a new arrival in either an inquisitive or aggressive manner, either of which could cause stress to an already stressed new arrival.
sometimes the stuff written by some people on forums is just ridiculous.
Never a truer word said
that told me then... :blush:

What's laughable is your unwavering insistence that corys would never approach a new arrival in either an inquisitive or aggressive manner, either of which could cause stress to an already stressed new arrival.
sometimes the stuff written by some people on forums is just ridiculous.
Never a truer word said
i still stand by the fact my cory was inquisitive toward the guppy...i dont think it helped the stress level of the guppy, maybe he was going to die anyway due to inproper acclimation? maybe he was stressed to death...who knows, all i know is ill watch the cory with any new fish and if he is too bothersome, ill remove him and rehome him...

oh yea and my guppy still lost a chunk of his tail?????????????
also just wanted to point this out.....

They are generally considered a non aggressive fish, although they will go after a fish that is in distress. Corydoras will not seek out and kill healthyfish, but they will chew on weak or wounded ones.
taken from this website.....
I have never seen my Corys chew on any fish :crazy: and they have never bothered new fish intentionally, only if they are in the way :D
What's laughable is your unwavering insistence that corys would never approach a new arrival in either an inquisitive or aggressive manner, either of which could cause stress to an already stressed new arrival.

Agressive manner and a corydora are two non-coexisting terms. Are you serious really? You are actually confusing a person that is just into the fish hobby and is willing to believe you. Judging by your number of posts here, you should be quite experienced and aware that what you are saying here has consequences to other forum members reading this. I am standing by the claim that no cory will approach another fish in aggressive manner and they are not inquisitive enough to stress a new fish, especially a stressed cory living on it's own as everyone knows these are shoaling species. By implying that this cory is the source of the new dying fish, you were actually making the OP put her cory in a breeder trap. Even a non-stressed fish, can suddenly die in a breeder trap(read all the storys of people putting pregnant livebearers in these), not to mind a fish that is already stressed by living on it's own, as again these are shoaling species, and also deals with water quality issues or sickness that kills new fish within hours.

i still stand by the fact my cory was inquisitive toward the guppy...i dont think it helped the stress level of the guppy, maybe he was going to die anyway due to inproper acclimation? maybe he was stressed to death...who knows, all i know is ill watch the cory with any new fish and if he is too bothersome, ill remove him and rehome him...

oh yea and my guppy still lost a chunk of his tail?

So you two are saying that this one of a kind aggressive cory chased the guppy and took a chunk of his tail? :lol: The tail missing could be caused by sudden ammonia rise, sickness in your tank, or the guppy caught itself on the filter or decoration, or you removed the dead guppy after it started rotting in your tank.
If you don't like keeping this type of fish anymore, just give it away but do not put it in breeder traps unless you don't mind killing a fish intentionally.
Amazing that on the one hand you describe corys as wonderful, playful, inquisitive fish that like to play hide 'n' seek yet can't bring yourself to even comprehend that this exact same behaviour could (and I stress the word could as nobody has said that was the cause) have contributed to the new fish dying, even when faced with the OP actually stating that her cory was showing constant attention to the new arrival. Possibly because it's a shoaling species and it's been alone for so long it thought the new arrival would maybe be a companion and wanted to check it out.

Anyone would think I was accusing your child of shoplifting the way you're being so stubbornly defensive.

If you think the sun shines out of corys behinds and they can do no wrong fine, that's your opinion, it is not fact and it can't be proven either way by anyone not willing to set up a controlled behavioural experiment to place them in different situations and record the findings. Because of that it still remains a plausible contributory factor and cannot be ruled out. If the OP's cory is playing a part in all this then by your advice the OP should continue adding fish just so they can die because it couldn't possibly be the cute little cory at fault.

Nobody has said that the damage to the new fish was caused by the cory but, just as you point out, it could have caught itself on the filter or a decoration......maybe while trying to get away from an inquisitive cory, we'll never know.

As for my advice, the OP knows what that is as I've given up putting it on here due to the ridiculous closed-mindedness and PM'd instead. I never suggested moving or trapping the cory, the OP came up with that themselves and I have already voiced my opinion on that matter.

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