Now With Test Pics!new Fish Added To My Tank Die Within 24 Hours..

ive turned off the lights for the evening...he is swimming around the tank "normally" for upto 10 mins then going back to the top/bottom of the filter to hide, hes not gasping at the surface... he isnt darting around the tank anymore either but if i go too close he darts off... dont wanna count my chickens but i think he may be ok..fingers crossed :good: he is the most colourful guppy ive ever seen, blue, yellow red silver and orange with black spotty tail, when the lights go back on tomorrow morning ill take a pic/video, hopefully he'll be ok and swimming around...he met the cory earlier...think he flirted a bit too haha...kinda did a sideways shuffle and raised his top fin and "danced "around him...funny boy...i do hope he is ok...oh and i put a single flake in...crushed it into about 4 bits...he came out from the filter and swum around, not sure if it was for the food but it was a coincidence maybe?
Sounds good so far :)

You need to remember that, just as we can see in to the aquarium, the fish can also see out. A nervous fish not only has the new environment of the tank to contend with but also lights, sounds & vibrations outside of it so give it time ;)
he is just hanging close to the filter again,swimming on the spot.. his tail is "hanging" down a bit too... he looks sad :sad: his gills wernt red from what i could see when the light was on...i guess only time will tell...

i used a no hoovering day as an excuse today too! dont want noise and vibration t stress new fishy boy :rolleyes:
Don't worry about him now. Only time will tell and there's nothing you can do at the moment. Fingers crossed he'll be ok.
He should come up for food tomorrow if he feels ok.
well ill update when the lights go back on but meanwhile ill keep an eye on him... :unsure:
Well he seemed to enjoy the lights out, so off i went to bed...woke up to find him at the surface, rapid gill movement, a good chunk of his tail missing with blood streaks on his body and at the end of his tail....i took a few seconds of video, he seemed to be ok after i took it, he swum around the tank then he started floating at the surface again...hes now died........did i not drip acclimate him for long enough? Im gutted! Really really gutted, do you think the cory ate his tail? I did see cory dashing up and down near where he was hiding last night after the lights went out.....maybe my cory sees a stressed weak fish as a target??

So im going to do WCs and keep up with testing....maybe get a new fish if that ph comes down a bit, but for now.....i cant see me getting anymore fish, i refuse to put the poor things through that!!

So sad..............
dont use stress coat, use api's tap water conditioner instead, stress coat will cost you a fortune in the long run. i had a quick read of this but did anyone ask about heating? what watt heater do you have? do you have a stick on side or dip test thermometre to test the temp with and make sure heater is correct?
my temp is between 24-25.. i have a thermometer that sticks to the inside of the glass with a suction cup...the video i posted shows it ...and its a 100w i think, it was sold with the tank as a whole set up
The water hardness you said was aroung 14grains, maybe it is shocking the new fish? Just a thought.
i dont think i acclimated the new guppy for long enough..i had the drip going for about an hour and half, i would have gone longer but the temp in the bowl had dropped to 22....any ideas on how to keep the temp in the bowl up??

and is there anyway i could reduce the i said though, i removed the dogey ebay would water changes slowly reduce hardness....i think the hardness in my tank was a little higher than 14, it was the man in the lfs that said our water was no more than 14...i tested yesterday and got a higher result but that was using dip test strips
my temp is between 24-25.. i have a thermometer that sticks to the inside of the glass with a suction cup...the video i posted shows it ...and its a 100w i think, it was sold with the tank as a whole set up
sounds fine then, do you switch your air pump off at night? this can contribute to the ph swings too, very little but still a factor, if your fish is still there in 2 weeks time id say its a safe bet to add new fish :) how you get your fish home is very important, did you get them home quickly? turning the lights off when introducing and acclimatising new fish is recommended, did you ever add stress coat or any type of bacteria treatment to the floating bags before releasing them? people tend to do this and overdose the fish! remeber when acclimatising the new fish, you slowly add water, you should end up with around 130 percent more water so if the fish came with 200ml of water in the bag you want to put 260ml of your origanal tank water in also. cories and guppies should be fine together with no problems.
my temp is between 24-25.. i have a thermometer that sticks to the inside of the glass with a suction cup...the video i posted shows it ...and its a 100w i think, it was sold with the tank as a whole set up
sounds fine then, do you switch your air pump off at night? this can contribute to the ph swings too, very little but still a factor, if your fish is still there in 2 weeks time id say its a safe bet to add new fish :) how you get your fish home is very important, did you get them home quickly? turning the lights off when introducing and acclimatising new fish is recommended, did you ever add stress coat or any type of bacteria treatment to the floating bags before releasing them? people tend to do this and overdose the fish! remeber when acclimatising the new fish, you slowly add water, you should end up with around 130 percent more water so if the fish came with 200ml of water in the bag you want to put 260ml of your origanal tank water in also. cories and guppies should be fine together with no problems.
no i dont switch filter or pump off, only the lights go off on a night.
the guppy is dead that i put in on saturday morning.....only the cory is alive, ive had him over 2 month...
i drip acclimated the new guppy for an hour and half....wasnt long enough but the temp dropped so i panicked and netted not sure there was 130% more water in the acclimation bowl.... :crazy: im gona say i never dripped him long enough....
my temp is between 24-25.. i have a thermometer that sticks to the inside of the glass with a suction cup...the video i posted shows it ...and its a 100w i think, it was sold with the tank as a whole set up
sounds fine then, do you switch your air pump off at night? this can contribute to the ph swings too, very little but still a factor, if your fish is still there in 2 weeks time id say its a safe bet to add new fish :) how you get your fish home is very important, did you get them home quickly? turning the lights off when introducing and acclimatising new fish is recommended, did you ever add stress coat or any type of bacteria treatment to the floating bags before releasing them? people tend to do this and overdose the fish! remeber when acclimatising the new fish, you slowly add water, you should end up with around 130 percent more water so if the fish came with 200ml of water in the bag you want to put 260ml of your origanal tank water in also. cories and guppies should be fine together with no problems.
no i dont switch filter or pump off, only the lights go off on a night.
the guppy is dead that i put in on saturday morning.....only the cory is alive, ive had him over 2 month...
i drip acclimated the new guppy for an hour and half....wasnt long enough but the temp dropped so i panicked and netted not sure there was 130% more water in the acclimation bowl.... :crazy: im gona say i never dripped him long enough....
i woudnt drip anymore. do it the old fashioned way. float bag in aquarium and add a little water every ten minutes, after an hour or so if you have doubled the water or more you should be ok, as much as info and techniques there are when it comes to acclimatising fish, its a relatively safe bet to just go by instinct and use a cup or whatever to add some water every ten minutes, thats the way ive done it for years now and ive never lost a fish due to improper acclimatisation.
I used that method and lost over a dozen fish....that was my first attempt at drip acclimation and he lasted almost 48 hours! Where as the others sometimes lasted not even 12.......

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