right , im on it!! thanks...oh and if it does come to a full clean i got a mucky bum gold fish in a tank in kitchen...his gravel and filter sponge may come in handy for cycling the tropical tank

the only time my tap or tank ph has been tested was at pet shop...both results were dark blue, she said its the same as theres....i never let the tap sample sit overnight though and by the time id walked to the pet shop the sample from the tank had cooled down(also read temp alters ph slightly)... cant do ph testing until hubby finishes workso it will be tomorrow i can test...
the ebay plants came from china hong kong and germany but all the same design base....![]()
to acclimite the guppy i floated for 20mins, then every 10-15 mins added a small amount of my water...after about 4-5 times of adding tank water i netted him and disgarded bag water.... i dont think i did it for long enough, i need a ph testing kiti bet my water was a really high ph and the lfs(not the pet shop where i got my water tested) is lower
and if the ph is 0.2 or more different...what then? drip method? bucket and airline tubing until ph matches assuming the frequant drips will keep temp up and also cause enough surface agitation to oxygenate water in bucket?
No problem. I really from next time all the misfortunes are left behind.