Now With Test Pics!new Fish Added To My Tank Die Within 24 Hours..

no one can or is making me put a cory in the breeding trap and by the way i have a XL breeding trap its 12x6x6 inch. but anyway as i said im getting another cory so if they are as serene as you say and i drip acclimate correctly then all shall be well.

i think i would prefer some "cory like" members to help and assist me...

going by numbers of posts is NOT evident of experience, i could post about cats all day and still learn nothing of fish! i understand you are VERY passionate about corys, they are amazing creatures but no need for aggressive posts... :sad:
got a peppered cory being drip acclimated...... any advice on how long i should be doing this for? i tried an hour and half with the guppy, so shall i do it for, say, 2hrs??
Ok so when water doubles...take out half....when it doubles again...take out fish and put in tank?...that would be 75% ish... .?

Hows the frog?
Yeah that's about the jist of it.....did you test the LFS pH to compare to yours?

Frog is probably on its way out but the wife is currently researching solutions, thanks for asking.

Don't forget to float the bag again for 10mins or so to temperature match before you release the fish ;)
hope you find a soloution...good luck ill keep you, kh, and gh were pretty much the same....
just taken some water from the bucket and tested water, still a little lower ph than ill keep at it...also only lost half a degree in temp!! it is usually 24.5 in tank its at 24 in bucket.. :)
well i tested again a short while ago and the test looked as if they matched so i put the new cory in the tank, i dropped in some algae wafer for my original cory(gives him something to do)...they met each other a few mins ago and were like 2 dogs sniffing each others butts... :blink: lights are still out so i cant see much and if i shine a light near the tank the swim i guess ill update in the morning....

it took almost 3 hours to double then double the water again and get the test to match...its a long haul but hopefully it will be worth it...
morning all :yahoo:

well after almost 14 hrs baby cory is swimming around...i took a short video, please take the time to watch and let me know if you think he is stressed or unwell at all or whether you think he is settling in well, thanks in advance :thanks:

i think the bigger cory didnt like him going in HIS corner though, did he chase him off?? :dunno:
The look pretty happy to me :)
Could just be a bit of assertive behaviour, showing who's boss but they look ok.maybe one of the cory 'experts' can explain the highly unusual and uncharacteristic chasing?

Glad it seems to be working out finally :good:
i do hope this is the beginning of stocking my tank....its been an emotional long hard road.... im going to get a few more cories to make up their shoal, then maybe try a molly, platy, swordtail..something like that....ive got quite hard water here, will fish like that be ok if i drip acclimate them too?

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