New Nano Diary...

One of my monkey shrimp finally popped out to say hello and let me take a picture of him, good luck finding him :D
almost all astreas are now destoyed :p But I do have two hermits with astrea shells now heh. I have plenty of other snails that the crabs arent hurting so Im not too bothered. Everything is looking SG is a little high so Im going to be doing some water maintenance tomorrow since it's due time for water changes on my other tanks as well. Almost time for clown fish :)
New pics!

Took some shots of my new anemone and clown fish as well as some random things in the tank.

Anemone and clown front:

Aquarium side:

Anemone side:

Anemone up close:

Hermit crab:
oh...I cant figure out if my anemone is a bubble tip or a hatian long tentacle...any help? I wanna know so I can tell the paramedics :D
Hatian for sure. Go ahead and touch it, it'll just slowly dissolve your finger. Feels sticky when it does so...
WAY TO GO SKI! Were supposed to make him touch it and then make him take a picture of whatevers left of his fingers.

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