New Nano Diary...

well shrooms are always refered to be able to survive nuclear attacks but i guess its just a roll of the dice
Im going to take it as a major insult from mother nature if these shrooms can survive nuclear attacks but not my living room.
Yeah, shrooms can take a beating. I'm having trouble killing mine, and I'm trying... :huh:. And do yourself a favor, invest in rechargable batteries as digicams are electrical black holes :lol:
well...both of the shrooms are looking ok...not nearly fully opened up or extended...Ive kept the light on since I brought them home...maybe they need a break? I'm sure the goby does, he is now hiding in little caves in the back of the tank. Shy little guy. Ive been trying to get him to eat flake (same stuff they gave him at the lfs) but he's not going for it...unless he scavenges little sunken bits when Im not looking.
spoke too soon heh, I dropped him some flakes then walked to the couch to watch some tv and he swam out and munched em up :)
Ok...Im sure Im getting annoying with my constant posting. Curious about some things. My mushrooms still havnt opened up fully. They change a lot, they go from being ruffled, to being droopy but never very lively. Ive been playing with the lighting but so far no real changes. I moved one shroom up towards the top of the tank facing the light and the other into a corner on the bottom, tilted away from the light. The top shroom is really ruffled now, the bottom seems almost like it's draping itself over the rock it's on. I dont understand emmm heh. I moved some rocks around and saw all kinds of interesting worm things. One was probably about 2-3 inches long.

On a side note. How does a six-line, and a perc. clown sound with my black clown goby?
6lines are prolly a little too boisterous for a clown goby. As for the mushrooms, its usually flowrate that affects how far they open. They get bigger in low-flow areas ;)
well actually, the goby that snuck into my tank hitchhiked off a piece of live rock what was with the six line that Im wanting to get so theyre previous roommates....this of course is the case if someone hasnt bought him since thursday.
decided against adding the 6line I had in mind for a while. If he's still there in a week then it was meant to be.

I know I'm slack but I just now got around to actually reading the temperature of my water. It was 74 degrees...not what Im going for. I thought maybe I could get away with no heater for a while but looks like a no go. I dropped a spare heater in there today and just checked the temp...82degrees! Waaay too fast of a temp change IMO. Turned it down some to try and get it to level out at 78. In the few hours that the heater has been in Ive started to notice brown patches in the sand. Looks like a just jump started some algae growth. Also my goby is a lot more comfortable now that the temp is higher. He's acting the complete opposite that he has been. Now rather than hiding from me he's almost following me around. I dropped in some flakes and he didnt mind eating with me watching, not even with the hood open. Im sure he's also just more comfortable with his surroundings too. I was contemplating returning him but he's a lot more entertaining now that he's out in the open watching me.

Also, I had mentioned that I moved one of my shrooms from the bottom of the tank up to the top. Either the shrooms is really unhappy or really happy. It's fanned out a lot bigger than I thought it could and seems to be trying to move onto another rock. The one of the bottom that I moved away from light and flow hasnt changed at all. It's colors are a lot more dull and solid than the one at the top. I'll try and take some pics with my cell phone since my digi cam batteries are still dead.
updateee...So I walked outside this morning to find a big box that said "LIVE FISH" on the side....ugh

My CUC wasnt supposed to arrive for another week...for some reason they shipped half of them today. Along with extras I didnt even order. Heres what I received:

5x astrea
3x red hermits
3x blue hermits
2x cleaner clams
2x queen conks
1x brittle star
3x monkey shrimp
so not expected. I took the queen conks and the star to the lfs while I left the others in a bucket to drip acclimate. Also brought in some water for a sample. All my levels are good atleast :) She gave me $13 credit for the conks and star. Fine with me. I also grabbed a galaxea frag while I was there for $30. Looks different than pics of galaxea Ive seen, from what I've seen it usually just looks like a furry rock with tiny tentacles rather than fur...this looks like it has hundreds of tiny green/white tipped anemones on it. Very nice. Got home and floated the inverts and the galaxea for 30 mins after I dripped the inverts for a little over an hour. Theyve been in for a couple hours and theyre all doing great it seems. Scurrying all around. Pics soon to come.

Also thought I'd add...the tube that connects from the pump to my power head had come undone. I was getting upset that my galaxea wasnt blowing in the current like it was in the nano at the lfs so I thought I'd tinker with it and tada...the tank is much more interesting now that it has flow heh. Mushrooms have opened up twice as big in the past 30 minutes or so that that flow has been active. Also, the 6line I was hoping to put in my tank in the next week or so had passed away over the weekend...glad I didnt snatch him up when she first got him :/

Full tank:




Top Shroom:


Another View:


Annnnd another:

Im loving it so far, adds a lot of activity to my tank. It glows under the moon lights too. Also, acclimation only required floating it so it was simple to bring in.

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