's what's been going on...
Nano tank status:
All fish dead, except for a seemingly completely unaffected six line wrasse...he seems pretty happy about having a tank to himself.
Inverts (With exception of the anemone) seem unaffected....Im not ENTIRELY crushed that the nem is gone...yes it was expensive, yes it was pretty, ok...I take it back...I am kinda crushed over the loss of the nem...but I was also kind of upset that now I had an anemone but no clowns to host it...I'd rather have corals anyway.
Brackish tank status:
Everything dead EXCEPT...puffy the puffer...but he's in baaaad shape...hoping for the best.
Actions to be/being taken:
Nano tank-
Purchased some Ick Kick or Kick Ick or whatever it's called from the LFS for $20...should be here's supposed to be reef safe...if all else fails I also purchased some formalin/green malachite to use in a hospital tank.
Took down the tank entirely (I'll explain that later)...moved the puffer fish into a bucket with an air stone and some FW from my crayfish tank...also gave him a few SW baths prior to doing that...dont as me why. Ive been changing the water in his bucket every 5-6 hours. Today I added a drop of formalin to the bucket...he's still moving and he's not gasping at the surface...too soon to tell any progress as of now.
All in all I expect my nano tank to survive...corals, inverts, and the wrasse are all doing well and medication will be in tomorrow...Im going to wait for a spot on the wrasse before I treat the nano. many of you may know or agree, the only way to survive a tank crisis is to look ahead to the
Nano tank:
Waiting...lots of waiting. Probably two weeks or so before I add anything or do anything aside from water changes. But...originally I wanted a pretty little reef tank with clowns and an anemone...something cliche and pretty...not so much now.
Definitely no clowns...
Definitely no nem..
Definitely more coral...
Definitely more blues and yellows...
Im really wishing I could do tangs...also wishing I could do a reef safe puffer...pretty sure there is no such thing. I love my inverts

Almost thinking of damsels...or maybe assorted gobys.
Brackish tank:
No longer brackish...if the puffer survives...which Im doubting he will, then he will now be a fresh water fish...I'll buy a special small tank just for him. The brackish tank is now.......................drum roll................................extended drum roll.................................
SALT WATER!! It's 30 gallons and I'll be starting a new diary just for it

Today I added bacteria, buffer, live arganite sand, marine salt. Yesterday I added the water and dechlorinator...tomorrow I'll add some rock. That's it for a long's main purpose for now is just an emergency hospital tank.
Anyways...tragedy sucks but I'll pull through...thanks all for reading!