New Nano Diary...

all looks more signs of ich on my wrasse...still only on the 3rd dose of kick ich though, it's a 15 day thing...thanks for the post pico, you're right, I went way too fast. Didnt plan things out well enough either...the nem was dumb was stocking so fast...I think rather than adding anymore fish for a while I'll focus on adding LR to my other tank and adding small corals to my nano gradually...
Well, the six line wrasse is still doing well....everyone else is doing great as well! On a good note, even though I had a huge loss, all of my corals thrived and are continuing to do great. I took a pic but I dunno how well you can see can see my shrooms, the galaxea, as well as my huge chunk of goniopora.

Never ever rush in to things or stock a tank too quickly...always have an emergency plan..quarantine tank...something to treat ich...know what you're doing. Research, research, research. The only thing that survived from this tank was a six line wrasse, some hermit crabs, and a mushroom. Everything else....

I know this thread is a little old but I had a question about the six line wrasse.

Would it be okay to add a six line to a 14 gallon BC with 2 clowns already in the tank. I see that you have added a six line to your tank. Was there any territorial movements made by the six line and would a 14 gallon be a big enough tank?

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