New Nano Diary...

The brittle star will sadly have to be taken to a better tank since yours is new, it won't have much to munch on and will die =(
Thats sad to hear about the brittle. Pics are on the way I promise!! I added a little over a pound of small rocks to fill in the gaps, looks muuuuch nicer now. Also had my water tested a few minutes ago, no nitrites, no nitrates, small to no ammonia, 8.2 pH, and when I tested the specific gravity this morning it read 1.024. Sounds good to me? Im thinking the clean up crew will arrive just in time. I can just donate the star and conks to the lfs or get her to hold them for a while. Actually, if someone will pay me for shipping then I'll probably send the star for free :) That does make me sad though. I'd like to add polyps or much longer should I wait? Also I've been leaving the lights on to try and jump start algae growth so when my cleaners arrive in a week they'll have plenty to munch on. Good idea? Thanks again guys and gals :D
Ooooohhh almost forgot heh....looking around my new little pieces of rock...btw these are crumbles off of the bigger pieces that have been sitting on the bottom of the LR tank so there are lots of weird hitchhikers for me to inspect...lots of little snails BUTTTT theres something I cant identify...
it's a little white thing wedged on the side of a rock...the only way I can describe it is it looks like a little white vagina heh. It's too symmetrical to just be a weird formation in the rock. No movement from it so's hard to contain my curiosity and not poke it with a stick :D Anyone have any ideas? Maybe a strange flower bud would be a better way of describing it's appearance...?
Humm, never heard of a hitch hiker like that before :lol:. Does it have a shell or skeleton and does it stay out at night?
hmm similar looking to a white vagina ....... searched me

VAGINA?! WHERE :hyper: the marine section has too many naughty naughty words. First pussy coral and now white vaginas? :rolleyes: :unsure:

Take a picture so we can watch Mr.Miagi and Ski race to I.D it...Always fun :good: I couldnt take it anymore...I poked the vagina thing with a jumped off the rock so I picked it up and checked it out, its weird looking. From the side it kiiiind of resembles a clam in that it seems to have hinges like maybe it opens up? I set it on a rock where it couldnt move unless it moved itself and tada...I checked on it an hour or so later and it was on the side of the rock wedged in a little crack. Wtf is this thing...heh. I got so excited over a mystery hitchhiked that I just had to get some more LR crumbles...Im liking the idea of buying several random bits at $5/lb rather than a big chunk. Im up to 13lbs now I think so I think that's a good stopping place for a 14gallon tank...I guess I could add more. I got home with some totally unexpected and unpaid for hitchhikers. Two mushrooms and a black clown goby. Sweet. I noticed the goby in a little hole in the rock but figured he wouldve wised up and jumped out...nope. Luckily she didnt notice him. She did notice the shrooms but told me it was my lucky day and she wouldnt charge me. I came home and dunked them all in except for the goby. Just finished acclimating him for 2 hours (had to be safe). I put him in a big cup that's never been used, only rinsed out with water, then dripped him for an hour and a half and floated him for 30. He seems happy. He's jumping from rock to rock. Doesnt like me peeking at him much, but as soon as I walk away he jumps back out and looks around the room. I think he'll do well with my future clown. The mushrooms havnt opened up very much at all. Theyre coming out a little though. Theyre sort of a violet color...any ID? Also some of my rocks have interesting things on rock looks like its tips were dipped in a thick red paint...another had a blue tint to one side, and another has what look like tiny white balloons running down it's edge. ID's pleeeease.

On another note, I sliced my hand open pretty bad at work lastnight...I always get too flashy when I'm training new chefs heh...taped it back together and finished out work but when I got home I realized that I didnt do the best job of putting myself back together so Im taking a day off to let my palm try and heal up heh....the point is I actually have some free time so Im going to buy some batteries here in a bit and finally get you guys some pictures :) Let me know if anyone has ideas/IDs about the things Ive described. Thanks :)
mushrooms havnt changed much since they went in...does it usually take a while for them to open up? The closest thing I've seen that looks about right is red mushrooms but these have more purple/violet. Going to get batteries now. Pics in a few mins.
yeah...wishing I had known that right about now...I guess only time will tell? Very disappointing. The goby still appears to be doing well. Jumping from rock to rock still. Well...just got some batteries from the gas station and Im also pretty disappointed in that too seeing as they died after taking like 6 pictures. Here's what I got:

full tank view

tank up close



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