My Switch To Saltwater.

Another clownfish disaster :(

He was refusing all types of food yesterday and this morning - hes stuck to the powerhead intake :(

My parameters are fine as normal - why do these clowns keep giving up ?
Oh, have you any other fish in your tank?

Somrthing seems to be up, have you had your water params double checked at the lfs? Is your ammonia 0? are these tank bred clowns?

Sorry about the fish..
Did you ever observe the gramma attacking the clown?

4 things come to mind as possible causes

1 - The clowns have an internal parasite/infection that they are catching either at the LFS, or at the breeder
2 - Over-aggression by the gramma causing stress
3 - Too much moving releated stress, especially if the clowns are not allowed to rest in the LFS for a while. Back to back transport isnt the best
4 - Bad luck :unsure:

The fact that you're having so much trouble baffles me as clownfish are one of the hardiest fish out there. Does your LFS have any guarantee on these guys since your tank chemistry does not indicate mis-handling on your part? If you have somewhat of a rapport with them, tell them about your problem and your confusion, and ask them to put one on hold for two weeks in a seperate tank just to make sure.
the false gramma was swimming WITH the clown - no aggression at all.

they tended to stay at opposite ends of the tank most times, but when they came close to each other, there was no aggression.

the only thing the clown would eat was live artetmia - maybe the LFS only feed them live food to ensure no flakes, pellets go uneaten at the bottom of their tanks ?

one thing I noticed, my leather seems to be acting strange too - out in all glory from 8am to 8pm - then at 8pm it closes up and ends up looking really crap overnight - is this normal ?

or maybe they have suicical tendancies and keep swimming into the powerhead intakes ?
Totally normal on the leather coral. They all shrivel up and look nasty at night.
Tested water again tonight.

Temp : 25'c

Salinity : 1.022

PH : 8.1

Nitrate : 5ppm - normally this is at 10ppm, so I guess the skimmer is settling in :)

Nitrite : 0ppm

Ammonia : 0.12ppm

Again, the rest of the tank looks really healthy.

I think my next clown is coming from a different LFS (the not so local fish store)
Tested water again tonight.

Temp : 25'c

Salinity : 1.022

PH : 8.1

Nitrate : 5ppm - normally this is at 10ppm, so I guess the skimmer is settling in :)

Nitrite : 0ppm

Ammonia : 0.12ppm

Again, the rest of the tank looks really healthy.

I think my next clown is coming from a different LFS (the not so local fish store)

I'd get an independant water test, ammonia should be 0, nothing else. Apart from that it looks OK.
Popped to my LFS today to get some bits and pieces.

I found out they feed their fish a mix of live artemia, blood worm and chopped mussells.

I guess thats why their fish are so bloody picky when you get them home and offer them flake, pellets, and frozen foods.

Painted the back of my tank black this weekend - looks much better :)
Added a regal tang and another clown last night.

the clown was full of adventure and was exploring the whole tank.

the tang was a little shy at first, but then was swimming around with the clown.

both fish were eating well last night.

today however, I am concerned again - by the clown.

the tang is hammering around the tank, eating algae and whatever food I offer him. The cleaner shrimp is cleaning him every now and then - hooray, the cleaner shrimp is doing his job - i thought i was gonna have to fire him.

the clown however has gone to the front corner of the tank and is just staying in a vertical position swiming against gravity.

the clown has not eaten today either although he is looking healthy - normal stomach, no bites or marks.

my last 3 clowns done the "swimming nowhere" routine the evening before they died - should i move him to sump or just watch him ?

the tang keeps going up to the clown as if to say "come swim with me" but the clown stays where he is.

Tested water again tonight.

Temp : 26'c

Salinity : 1.022

PH : 8.1

Nitrate : 10ppm

Nitrite : 0ppm

Ammonia : 0.0ppm

Most reactions
